Error message upon submitting quiz
I have a WordPress Quiz Master Next Plugin set up
by vipul.srivastava -
403 Error Unable to load the HTML Page
Hi, I have a issue in trying to access a page o
by gaurav.singh -
URL rewriting using .htaccess
Hi, I was trying to rewrite a URL in .htaccess
by gaurav.singh -
How to identify the network usage of your particular application in android?
Hello Tech Nerds, I have created an app for And
by sachin.joshi -
How to included a timer on a web page
hello all, I want to include a timer on a web pag
by manish.joshi
Project Details
Hi mates! Actually i am working on woo-commerce site and i want build site like http://www.mysmartprice.com/ so suggest me how should i build that site? should i build in wordpress or yii-framework? if wordpress then which theme or plugin is bett...
rotate gameObjects around another gameObject
I have 19 circles in a big circle , I need to write this algorithm
"in case of clicking on a centralized circle (the around circles rotate around it)"
not only rotating (about the around circles - the circle should equal/assigned to it`s fo...
assigning image to a sprite renderer
I want to assign image to a sprite renderer
but its not single image , its one from the cut images using sprite editor
My code Not Working On Hosting Server
My code working in my locahost wamp server. But if I uploaded it to my hosting server it's not working.
Please give solution. Or reason for this problem. Thanks
Here is my code :
if(!isset($	...
Magento NOT shared shopping cart possible on store level?
Hi all,
I have a problem with Magento 1.9.1 i am hoping somebody can help me with.
I would like to configure my shopping cart on store level. To save on costs and to have maximum interaction on one website (because google likes this) i want...
issues in setting up android Development environment
I'm having issue in setting up dev environment for android in windows 7.
Using eclipse to do the setup.
Tried the Android Studio but even that has issues in setup.
Any help or any document that will let me know how to install and setup ADE wou...
send an event calender request through gmail in php
i wantt to send an event calender request through gmail in php...please help me in this....
Disconnect strophe js from another angular controller
Hello! I make a connection to an xmpp server using node-xmpp-bosh.From my app i'm using strophe js to connect.I have two controllers.I make connection in first controller.In second controller i want to close connection .I've tried but i need to e...
Can't login to facebook on android but working fine in editor
I was working in Unity3d version 4.5.5f and integrating facebook,
problem is that when i tap login btn it prompts for username and password after authenticating it returns to app and my screen goes black..
But when i check it in editor it ...
Problem based on OOP's of C++
Please solve the problems I'm not getting the output?
Please its request
1.Swap to add hours,min,secof time t1 withhours,min and sec ot time t2
2.oveload + operator using member function for 2 strings
3.overload <= operator using member fu...
Touch event
I have a doubt regarding Touch Event. Say I need to write something like my name "Sangita" with just single tap on the keypad. In short I need to automate the whole process in one touch that would otherwise take 7 touches. The first touch...
Why cordova geolocation watch doesn't working?
Hello.I'm making an application in ionic.I'm using cordova geolocation plugin.I want when i change my position location to be updated .I should see an alert but i don't see anything.What i should do ?
Here is my code:
Splash Screen Not show in app in real device
Splash Screen Not show in app in real device after develop using phonegap
Location Watch
Hi! I'm working at an application which use location.I want my location to be updated everytime when i'm moving,without making a refresh.How i can do this?
only product images are not showing in woocomerce wordpress
I have a website in which product images and product thumbnails are not showing they are in server when i am checking from cpanel(file manager) all the images are their but not showing in fronted.
Insert Data into MySQL database from HTML SubForms
Hello EveryOne,
I have 2 HTML Forms:
1. Register/Login
2. After User gets Login, He used to update details of him.
I used MySql database in order to save Login details of User. And also i have another table for updating details of him aft...
Entering Values in Second table with help of Primary Key of First Table
Hello EveryOne....
Here is the scenario.,
In MySql database, I have two tables.. User and UserDetails...
In 'User' table, i had generated userID made it as a primaryKey.
For Example, 101->user1.... 102->User2
Now I need...
multiple video play
i want to select the video from database fetch it and wanna play in loop all videos one after the other in a single player in html 5/ php .
plzz help >>>>
add team and charcater select to multiplayer Game using "MultiLan V3.0"
I am trying to develop multiplayer games with Unity3D and I use a plugin "MultiLAN V0.3" and I must add the functionality of the team and the character choose for my study project and I am very a hurry by time, I would be very grateful f...
Product Advertising API Error
Hi mates! I am trying to create Product Advertising API then in last step it showing "We're sorry!
There was an error processing your changes. Please try again."
I am trying since a day but its not working. plz help me guys...
Edit Exisiting pdf using fpdi
Im using FPDI library for writing existing pdf file but my code is writing only 1 page ..why? please
require_once '../includes/fpdf/fpdf.php';
require_once '../includes/fpdf/fpdi.php';
$pdf = new FPDI();
$pageCount = $pdf->setSour...
How to clip empty space between the lines in illustrator
Hello Friend's
I made a shape using the pencil and line tools in Adobe Illustrator, and now I want to fill the inside of this shape with a pattern. I use the clipping mask but every time I use clipping mask, it just clips the pattern into the ...
array in jquery
array([0]=>stdclassobject (['s_no']=1) ) is returning from ajax and i want to add this s_no's value in one textbox .....please can any one help me in jquery syntax...this is my ajax code....
How to validate the characters of the strings to the characters typing via mobile keyboard?
Hey guys i am working on the prototype like this:
how can i validate the characters like in this game.
And if he types wrong he is not allowed to type, Like if I need to type"Hello" , and user p...
Website Problem
Hi mates! actually I am working on woo-commerce site but i want to display product of other sites like amazon and want to earn money. is some one have any idea, how should i build that site??
C++ Problem
To input the records of students. Display the whole record. Display the name of the youngest and eldest student.
I'm having problem in achieving the third target: If I enter 3 or 5 entries the result is fine but as soon as I enter ...
Want to use customize fb share button
i want to share specific portion of my web page using fb share button .. bt now share button share default content ......... here is my code please help me ......... http://pastebin.com/u3fu2e9h
BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy ) Android
Has anybody here worked on BLE (bluetooth low energy) ?How is it done in android and how it can be implemented? I want to implement it.Sharing any suggestions, advices, experiences, etc for working on BLE messaging system would be appreciated.
List Facebook videos android
Could anyone suggest solution for this question?
-> I want list of all my Facebook profile videos that I can see on my profile even of other friends who have tagged me on their videos.
How can I do it?Please help...
Strophe receive only one message
Hi..I want to create a chat app.I'm using Strophe js with and xmpp server.I send a message to another client(Spark) and after that i can send one message from Spark to strophe client.Here is my code.I wil appreciate any help :)
var connection ...
Wordpress Post Issue
Hey guys facing some strange problem in wordpress please help
I have multisite setup like career, media, partner, blogs and the main site when i am adding any post to blogs subsite its automatically added to the main site post.
How to get r...
Socket Exception in android
When I run this method I get an error of socket Exception.
(Permission denied) i.e,java.net.SocketException: socket failed:
Can you please me to find its solution.
public void run() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
URL u...
Convert code from jquery in angular
I have this code and i'm trying to convert it in angular js code.Who can help me ?
Angular js and strophejs
Hello guys..I want to develop a xmpp chat app in angularjs,I want to use strophe js as a library.I've tried to look at some examples and i've read documentation about strophe...Does anyone have an example ?
Theme is changed during "Resend Email Verification" in liferay 6.2
When I click on resend email verification, custom theme changed to default classic theme.
Environment Set-up :
Java - Oracle JDK7
Liferay - Liferay 6.2
Thank you in advance.
Problem of EditText font on password mode.
As I use EditText as default password mode I face a problem that text font(password mode) is diffrent then text font(text mode). I havent found any solution.
Can you solve it?
NetworkOnMainThread Exception
I am trying to call getBitmapFromURL() methos from onCreate() of my Activity and getting NetworkOnMainThread Exception.
Please help me to solve this problem.
public static Bitmap getBitmapFromURL(String src) {
try {
Getting Out of memory exception in loading images from database
When I am loading 20+ images in listview from database I am getting Out of memory exception.
I have already resized bitmap and using scaling properly in my bitmap, but still I am getting this issue when loading more images in listview, facing...
Ionic xmpp chat client
Hello guys!I want to develop a chat app in ionic.I have created xmpp server.Does anyone know a client or a library for ionic to implement chat?
Selenium not able to connect to firefox
Recently I updated my Firefox from version 30 to 39 . But after updating my Firefox to version 39 test case written for a project which make use of selenium starts failing.
The reason being selenium is unable to obtain stable connection while th...
How to export all the individual layers in a particular format?
Hello everyone
Is there any automated way where I can export all the individual layers at once in a particular format?
I am using Photoshop CS5 and have 15 layers with transparency.
How to use the eyedrop tool to pick or change any of the color of gradient?
Hello everyone,
While working with gradient in illustrator I got stuck in, picking or changing the color of gradient.
Can any one help or guide me to use the eyedropper tool to pick or change any of the color of gradient.
Credit card payment fails for delayed payment methodology using Braintree payment gateway?
We are working on a site where user registers for an event using his credit card, we verify for credit card using Braintree API and registers user based on that. Once a particular event is over we process for payment for all the registered user u...
How to stop spam from submitting form in rails other then captcha
We have a registration form where user can register directly i.e we don't have any mail verification process beside that we also don't want to add captcha as its add an extra step for the user.
The issue we are having is that some bot is making ...
How to Hit Delete API of MVC5
I am trying to hit a MVC web API for deleting the record but i am getting the error that no resource found. I am able to hit the API using PostMan and fiddler but i am unable to hit it using Rest Clinet. Here is my code
var request = ne...
SMS Gateway
Hi gays please tell me is there any free SMS API Gateway?
If you know a free gateway then please suggest me.
failed to upload image, try again later - Wordpress
When i try to upload an image to a post or a product in my webshop (with woocommerce plugin) i constantly get this error: 'failed to upload image, try again later.' . Does anybody know how to fix this ? Thanks a lot.
I already tried increasing...
How to solve "cannot import name models error" ?
Hi Friends,
Please help me with the error, When I am installing partner_sms module in openerp. It is giving me below mentioned error -
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/shiva/workspace1/openerp/OE7/openerp/cli/server.py", ...