Error message upon submitting quiz
I have a WordPress Quiz Master Next Plugin set up
by vipul.srivastava -
403 Error Unable to load the HTML Page
Hi, I have a issue in trying to access a page o
by gaurav.singh -
URL rewriting using .htaccess
Hi, I was trying to rewrite a URL in .htaccess
by gaurav.singh -
How to identify the network usage of your particular application in android?
Hello Tech Nerds, I have created an app for And
by sachin.joshi -
How to included a timer on a web page
hello all, I want to include a timer on a web pag
by manish.joshi
ORM GreenDao vs ORMLite
Which ORM is better is terms of performance and ease of use between these two. In some benchmarks I have read ORMLite is faster and in some, I read GreenDao. I like the way automatic code generation works in GreenDao. Also it does not use any ann...
Circular reference exception while Serializing DataTable object in .Net
How to serialize DataTable object in .Net
While working in a .Net project, I am facing an Exception while serializing DataTable object using JavaScriptSerializer. The Exception I am getting is "A circular reference was detected while...
Payment page in my app
Hi I am designing an android page which consists of payment gateway. I would like to implement payment in 2 ways.. Either by manually enter the card details or just scan the card with the help Of camera.. How would I do this if I scan ca...
Basic Authorisation with back slash \ in username using Objective C
I have to use basic authorisation in my https request. I am using the following code :
NSString *authStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:%@", @"p5\test", @"password"];
NSData *authData = [authStr dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
Development Strategy
Hello...i am a newbie here.
First of all I am a designer and I learning my way into web development. Now I got a project to design and develop a dynamic website.
[b]Project Description:[/b]
A site where users can post and publish content rel...
How to return an image from Asp.Net MVC Controller
Hi, While working in a Asp.Net MVC project, I am stuck in a issue that how to return an image from MVC Controller ?
The real senario is that I have to return an image among various images (that I have kept in the ...
want to generate 5 digit serial number in php
I want to generate 5 digit sequential serial number . For example: starting serial number must be 00000 then next will be 00001, 00002............. 00011 like this .
How to list table names using primary key of a table
Hello all,
I have approx 100 number database tables in db from that I want to list all the tables which is using primary key of a table as a reference in MySQL InnoDB?
How to check wether the checkbox is selected or not using jquery
"How to check wether the checkbox is selected or not using jquery"
While working in a project, I got stuck in the following issue.
This is the code I am using:
<input type="radio" name="optionsRadiosbillingmethod" id="optionsRadios1-b...
How to get the selected text from dropdown using jquery
"How to get the selected text from dropdown using jquery"
While working in Asp.Net Application I got stuck in a following issue.
This is the code I am using:
<select class="form-control" id="new-account-prefix" name="newaccountprefix"&g...
how to consume Asp.net webservice from php client
i want to fetch data from asp.net webservice from php client. WHile doing that i got an error.
'faultstring' => string 'Server was unable to process request. ---> Input string was not in a correct format.' (length=84).
I am using SOAP
SSL authentication login Script in CakePHP2.3
( https) SSL authentication login Script in CakePHP2.3 Linux server , but its working fine in normal http format
could you pls help me to resolve this issue ,
get_magic_quotes_gpc() function is deprecated, please help
Hi everybody,
i am a newbie php programmer.
get_magic_quotes_gpc() function is deprecated; Is there any function or way to create backslahes to prevent sql injection?
any tips and advises will help. thanks
How to set crone for scheduling Push notifications?
I want to send automatic server notifications (push) on every Sunday. Also is there any way how to activate the new links activate only after 24 hrs.
Fetch Outlook contacts using PHP imap
Is there any way to get Outlook contacts using PHP imap functions? I need urgent help please
Drupal 7 authentication with javascript using Phone gap or Sencha
How to implement Drupal 7 authentication with javascript using Phone gap or Sencha
Using Drupal 7 authentication with javascript using phone gap or sencha?
What is the purpose of using IBOutlet & IBAction?
As you all know that at compile time
1. All IBOutlet keywords are removed entirely.
2. All IBAction keywords are replaced by void because actions invoked by user interface controls are not expected to have a return value.
The question then a...
How to add mouseleave, mouseenter and click event using jQuery
I want to change the image when entering and leaving mouse to it. But the image should stay there when clicked. I have an image attribute source that is replaced on mouse enter and mouse leave event. But image is also changing after ...
How to customize the table output of pdf files generated using jspdf?
I have a requirement where i need to customize the table column width of pdf file. This pdf file is generating using jspdf (a jquery plugin).
Nodejs Socket.io is working on desktop safari, but not iPhone device
I have as issue in which socket.io is not starting on any iPhone device. I have searched for it and went through some solutions but nothing worked. Here are some issue links:
How to integrate cloud tax in pos module in OpenERP-7 (odoo) ?
Hi Friends, Please help me with the Problem, I want to integrate Cloud Tax in OpenERP-7 (Odoo).
anyone knows then please reply as soon as possible.
How to use feeds module in drupal to import feeds from other websites?
I want to import blogs and articles from other sites into my drupal website.
I also want to import youtube videos in different content type.
How to list all child pages of current parent page in drupal 7?
Suppose I have parent pages A1 and B1. A1 has child pages A1.1, A1.2,A1.3 and B1 has child pages B1.1, B1.2. I want to list all the respective child pages on A1 and B1. In every child page I have an image and a title.
These 2 information needs ...
How to Get Current Latitude and Longitude Location in Drupal 7
I need to get my current location Latitude and Longitude in Drupal7.
Which module should I use and what will be the process of using that module?
Error message upon submitting quiz
I have a WordPress Quiz Master Next Plugin set up and it gives a certificate. When any user finishes the quiz it gives an error message is as below:
Warning: file_put_contents(wp-content/plugins/quiz-master-next/includes/certificates/mlw_qmn_q...
How to remove old or deleted information from Google
How to remove outdated content
If information was deleted from a webpage, but still shows in Google Search results, How can I ask Google to update or remove the page.
moreover how to remove a page from search engine that was already ...
How to Hide TabPages dynamicaly
I am working on Windows application using c#, in which I am using a TabControl. What I have to do is to open a tabpage dynamicaly on user's choice i.e if the user clicks on the NewUser button then the "New User" tabpage should get open ...
AppendAllLines() function in .Net framework 3.5 or similar
Hi !
I was using System.IO.File.AppendAllLines() function in .Net Framework 4.0 but due to some reason I have to migrate my project into .Net Framework 3.5. But in .Net Framework 3.5 I am not able to use this function.
Following is the ...
How to get value after merging two columns from two different DataTables?
I am working on a Asp.Net application where I got stuck in a issue in which I have to merge two column values of different DataTable into another DataTable....
If anyone has any idea please help...! Thanks in advance
403 Error Unable to load the HTML Page
I have a issue in trying to access a page on my website
When I try to open the html page it gives me an error 403
"You do not have permission to access/main/menu.html on this server."
I have also changed the permission of the folder....
URL rewriting using .htaccess
I was trying to rewrite a URL in .htaccess file on particular range of id's from 40 to 900. But it is not working as it is supposed to be.
Actually I want to redirect page if there is any Id from 40 to 190. But is also redirecting ids lik...
Upload multiple files using REST service with AngularJS and Spring MVC
I am using Spring MVC with Java Config and defined some rest-services. Spring at sever side and AngularJS at client side.
I want to upload more then one CSV files from AngularJS site using REST service. How will be done using Spring MVC ...
I am unable to run Tomcat7 with upgraded Java 8
I am trying to upgrade my server(Ubuntu 14.10 + tomacat7) to Java8 from Java7 but I am getting the following error and not sure what is still referring to java-7.
$ sudo service tomcat7 start *
Starting Tomcat servlet engine tomc...
Tomcat application server hangs while Deploying web application directory
I have installed Tomcat application server(Apache Tomcat/7.0.61) in an Ubuntu server(Ubuntu 14.10).
When I am starting tomcat server it hangs at deployment stage and try to http://localhost:8080 on browser, its taking more time to load a...
Delete duplicate records from Excel and copy into other Excel file in java
I want to move duplicate record from one excel file to another excel file using java.
Thanks in advance.
Which is the best Photoshop anti-aliasing setting for web use?
Which is the best Photoshop anti aliasing setting for web use?
What is best approach for error handling in c programming?
Hello Guys
I am writing a program for error handling in c programming but I am confusing to choose best approach for handle error from if-else and switch-case.
Please explain with suitable example and guide me best approach.
Thanks in adva...
c programming error codes
can any body tell me c programming error codes i am not able to understand the things
How to make the rental product and invoice for OPENERP-8 (ODOO)
Hi Friends, Please help me with the Problem below
I want to make the rental product along with invoice for it in OPENERP-8 (ODOO).
How to Solve display several calculated fields on a single form view in OpenErp-8
Hi Friends,
Please help me with the error, How to Solve display several calculated fields on a single form view in OpenErp-8.
how to setup credit card payment method for openErp7 in POin Of Sale
Hi Friends,
Please help me,how to setup credit card payment method for OpenErp in Point Of Sale.
How to identify the network usage of your particular application in android?
Hello Tech Nerds,
I have created an app for Android devices and now I am looking to find out, how much Network usages is this app utilizing. or we can say that, how to identify the network usage of your particular application in android?
How to solve PostgresSQL Error connecting to the server:received invalid response to ssl negotition
Hi Friends,
Please help me with the error ,when I am opening my database(pg-admin) in window server 2008 R2 It is giving me below mentioned error.
Error connecting to the server:received invalid response to SSL Negotiation
How to solve Internal Server Error (database) werkzeug: Error on request: ?
Please help me with the error When I am restarting my OpenERP server. It is giving me below mentioned error..
Internal Server Error (database) werkzeug: Error on request:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/...
How to included a timer on a web page
hello all,
I want to include a timer on a web page which is designed for taking online test like on this website whose link is as followed http://www.indiabix.com/online-test/aptitude-test/random.
Please suggest me how can I do that .
Difference between variable declaration globally and locally
During my project work I was working on a code in which I was getting segmentation fault on initialization of two variables of float data type whose dimensions where 1000 cross 1800 for both of them, but when I declared the variables globally pro...
Including video on web pages
Hello all
I need some help regarding in HTML, the problem is that I want to include video lectures on my web page, I want to dynamically update the lectures in the web page which I add on the default folder for video lectures . can you please s...
How to improve my app using TimeProfiler?
I am using TimeProfiler for the first time. And I have read RayWanderlich's blog to get understanding of TimeProfiler.
How I can improve the performance in my app. I am showing the screenshots from the TimeProfiler that might help in analysing...