How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
by kristina.rigina -
Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
by manoj.rawat -
Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
by sudhanshu.tripathi -
Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi
Scroll down to selected item in gridview using javascript
The blog is related to move the position of scroll according to the selected item using javascript:-
Consider the following example:-
Let's say you have a gridview control and a dropdown above that. If you select any item from dropdown the grid...
Service center congestion in telesign mobile sms gateway
Hi all,
I am using telesignmobile sms gateway for one of my website. Everything was working properly but suddenly sms sending was stopped and I was getting "Service center congestion" in my status report.
I googled it and found nothing. Then ...
Creating shapes,Boder,selector and Drawable using xml in Android
This blog will help you to Create shapes,Border,selector and Drawable using xml in Android.
1.Selector for a button: Create xml file named background_selector.xml in res/drawable and write the bellow code in that
<?xml version="1.0" enco...
Multiple -Language website USING InternationalizationAND Locale
Hii friends,
Many of you when you will start making a website in drupal will need to provide multiple language support.And providing so if you follow these easy steps you can easily make it. For making a multiple language site you need to conf...
Make a Multi-Language Article in drupal 7
Hii friends,
many of you when you will start making a website in drupal will need to provide multiple language support.And providing so if you follow these easy steps you can easily make it.
For making a multiple language site
step1:-You s...
Fetch feeds from youtube in drupal 7
HTML parser and can fetch data from existing URLs. Feeds is the way to go fetch rss feeds.
Some parsers for Feeds that can suit as per your need are given here .
Modules required to fetch youtube feeds
Feeds it import's or aggregate's ...
Pure css custom checkboxes and radio buttons
Hello guys,
It's my first post and in this post I am showing you, how can we customize checkbox and radio input with the help of css. Yes, now we can customize form elements with css. It's not complicated but little tricky.
So lets start ...
Using Putty and SSH Tunnel to connect to MySQL on remote server from SQLYog
To connect to a remote MYSQL server using SQLYog you can create SSH tunnel using putty following the steps.
Connect to the remote server using putty.
Right Click on putty window and select the change settings option.
How to create a simple Timer in Android
In this tutorial we will make a simple android timer application using a Handler.In the layout of the main activity we will set a TextView to Display the timer and to Buttons for Start and Pause. We set the string resource for the timer value...
Sending email using drupal_mail()
Sending email using function drupal_mail(). All you need to do is install and configure SMTP module and then add the given code in your custom module.
function sendemail(){
$to = ' xyz@gmail.com ';
$from = ' abc@gmail.com...
How to make a Gridview with Horizontal scrolling
Here for the scrolling Grid View I have use SectionPagerAdapter . Simply what I have done here is that , i have created a Fragment with a layout containing a grid view. And with the help of SectonpagerAdapter the fragment will inflate as many as ...
Set up remote access to MySQL database on Ubuntu
Without database any application is almost redundant. So this post might help you to setup access to MySQL database on Ubuntu.
Firstly you need to open up the MySQL server config file present at
and search for the lin...
Create Incoming and Outgoing Server in OpenERP
Create Incoming Mail Server
Go to Setting->Configuration->Email->Incoming Mail Servers, and create
Give a Name, example: Incoming Gmail Server
Select Server Type as POP/IMAP
In Server Name field, give the hostname or the IP of t...
Scrapping - get Select option values and text via simple html dom
Here is the working example to get select box option value and text via Simple html dom.
I assume that you have already included simple_html_dom file and have html content in $content variable
$html = new simple_html_dom(); // Creating htm...
How to make UITableView separator touch ends of table in iOS7
In iOS7 separator of table view do not touch ends of the table/cell ,i.e, the separator don't cover complete length of the table/cell. For this we need to set the separatorInset property of table view. For example if we have a UITableView object ...
Add/Delete group price in magento pro-grammatically
Load product by Sku or Id -
$u_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->loadByAttribute('sku', $sku);
2 - Delete group price
3 - Add new group...
Spring @RequestHeader Annotation
Spring @RequestHeader Annotation
Spring MVC provides annotation @RequestHeader that can be used to map controller parameter to request header value. Here is the simple usage of spring @RequestHeader annotation.
import org.springframework.s...
Hide certain fields from the form in Drupal
In order to hide certain fileds from form in drupal
function hook_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id)
if ($form['form_id']['#id'] == 'fomr-id')
$form['field	...
How to create email template in OpenERP
By creating an email template one can send emails very easily and quickly as you already design it, add reports, signature. You can use these templates for any document in the OpenERP to enhance your sales, marketing, and accounting tasks. With t...
Delete files from folder in cakephp 2.X
If anyone wants to delete file from the folder can use this code.
App::uses('File', 'Utility');
$file = new File(WWW_ROOT .'subcategory/thumbs/abc.jpg', false, 0777);
if($file->delete()) {
echo "File Deleted";
Facade Architecture in ASP.Net
Facade Architecture in ASP.Net:-
The facade is an interface that an application can use to get things done without worrying about the details. The facade decouples these layers so that they dont depend on each other, which makes each easier to...
Setting up your system as virtual host using WAMP
if anyone configure's virtual hosts on WAMP server helps to run as many separate sites as you want.This includes following quick steps
1.Go to "C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc" and open the "hosts" file in Notepad. At the bottom of the hosts f...
Apple's substitute to bluetooth - AIRDROP
Apple's user have been bogged down by the lack of a file sharing mechanism that allows them to share files to the nearby apple users, just like bluetooth. So after a long time, apple computers have heard the plea of their users and provided them ...
Read Data From Raw Resource in Android
How to read raw data from raw resource in android. In this tutorial i am using a text file as a raw resource in res/raw/wordslist.txt .This text file is read by the activity and you can use the data whatever way you like.
for eg
You can...
Send Push Notification to Android Devices from Java Server Side
This blog will help you to send Push Notifications to Android devices from server side where server side code is written in Java.
Follow the below steps in order to send Push Notification:
Put the gcm-server.jar into your lib folder of y...
Avoiding gap in ids for a table in OpenERP PostgreSQL
Sometimes when we delete few or all records from a table, we may want ids of records to be in sync with the last record or the first one, but what we get is that new ids with a significant amount of gap have been generated, for example if it shou...
What Is The Diffrence Between Do And Do While Loop
The Main Difference Between Do And Do While Loop Is :-
Do while Loop :- If we use "Do While" at least one time execute the loop and then check the Condition.
While Loop:- When we Use "While" then firstly check the condition after execute ...
Import Gmail Contact
Import Gmail Contact :
To import gmail contact you need to download the following DLLs :-
Source code to import to import gmail contact shown ...
How to count the total number of buttons in a page using QTP .
A HTML button is identified as a WebButton object by QTP. Below is the script which you
Can run in QTP to find the total number of Buttons in the HTML page .
First Create a Button object
Set objButton = Description.create
Display UIWebView from HTML string with custom font and size
Following code can be used to change the font and size of UIWebView displayed from HTML string. To implement this first change the font and size of HTML string then load the UIWebView with this string like below.
UIFont *font = [UIFont fontWit...
Database Testing
Database : Database is a collection of data.
Database is a secure place to store all your important data. The data need to be stored in an effecient manner or secure ware because data is very important.Testing the backend databases, like compari...
ReadyState property in QTP
The readyState property in QTP returns the loading status of the current browser . This property
Will be of immense help if the AUT under test has a lot of sync issues while running the script .
This property returns one of four values :
How to get subscription information of chargify using .net
First we add dll of chargify
using ChargifyNET;
Create the object of subscription
ISubscription newSubscription;
newSubscription = new ChargifyNET.Subscription();
Connect to the chargify by giving URL,apikey and password
How to get the text of a checkbox using QTP .
In the below code you can automate the web page using QTP and can find the text with the checkbox adjacent to it .
Create a description property with micclass for web checkbox.
Set oDesc = Description.create()
Set oDesc = Description.creat...
Sending Email Using Send Grid for Window Azure Server
This is a function to send Email from Azure Server Using Send Grid.
public Dictionary FogotPassword(String Email)
Dictionary row = new Dictionary();
string Password = string.Empty;
DataTable dt...
How to convert NSImage to CIImage
To convert NSImage to CIImage following function can be used.
NSData * tiffData = [image TIFFRepresentation];
NSBitmapImageRep * bitmap;
bitmap = [NSBitmapImageRep imageRepWithData:tiff...
How to convert CIImage to NSImage
You can convert CIImage to NSImage by using the following function:
NSCIImageRep *imageRep = [NSCIImageRep imageRepWithCIImage:ciImage];
NSImage *_image = [[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:[ima...
How to add Facebook contacts to your Gmail profile?
The social media saga
The previous year was distinctly different in the social media domain. Platforms like Pinterest, Instagram,Stumble Upon and a few others rose up to challenge the dominance of Facebook and Twitter. But the platform to gain...
Get current geo location from browser using html5
We can get our current geo location (latitude and Longitude.) from desktop browsers as well using html5 geolocation. We just needs to add script into our html page and it will ask you to share your location. After approve it will return you your ...
Get Location (Latitude and Longitude) of Gallery Image
If you are using ImagePickerController and wants to get selected Image location then use below code:-
- (void) imagePickerController:(UIImagePickerController *)picker didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo:(NSDictionary *)info{
// Get the asset ...
Is custom Spring Web Context Configuration is required for any Spring application?
Is custom Spring Web Context Configuration (like applicationContext.xml) is required for any Spring application?
As per knowledge, necessarily no need it, but it is a good way to separate your application layers from front-end layer:
As we ...
Android Custom camera
This tutorial helps you how to create custom camera app, with the help of the following sample code.
The Custom camera capture the image with auto focus and flash on the click of the capture button.Some developers may require a camera u...
Change Spring Web Context Configuration Filename
Change Spring Web Context Configuration Filename
We know that if we want to implement the Spring MVC in our project then we should add DispatcherServlet into our web application deployment descriptor (web.xml) file like as below
Configure and customize leaflet map in Drupal 7
Leaflet module provides a javascript library for mapping leaflet map into Drupal and can be downloaded from https://drupal.org/project/leaflet
We can initialize map from our custom module as follow:
$map_info = leaflet_map)get_info('...
Delete Category and Products by ids in magento Programming
Delete category and Products By Ids in Magento by following the steps:
1 - Deleting Category:
send category id with Query String to controller such as
getUrl('catalog/category/deletcat').'?id='.$catId; ?>" title="Delete">
Use of Delegate() Method in jQuery
The delegate method can be used in two ways:-
If we have a parent element, and we want to attach an event to each one of its child elements, this delegate() method is used.
Ex: Un-ordered List
Instead of attaching an event to each e...
document ready Vs onload function
Document.ready VS body.onload function
1 - Document.ready function is called as soon as HTML DOM is loaded, where Body.onload function is called when everything gets loaded on the page that includes HTML DOM, images and all associated resour...
Get Custom font name to be used in your xcode project
Sometimes we add custom fonts to our xcode project.
For example:- Suppose TwCenMT-Bold.ttf is the font name which you have added to your xcode project, but when you access this font, it does not reflects.
*Reason:- * This font does not cont...
Hibernate with multiple Databases/SessionFactory.
Hibernate with multiple databases/session factory :
To use Hibernate to support many databases, We have to follow following steps.
1 - We have to create multiple SessionFactory/cfg.xml files for each Database we want to use/connect.
2 -...
How to create Ruby hash in just one line ?
When we have to create a hash in just one line we can use this particular ruby code:
@users = User.find :all
user_hash = Hash[@users.map {|x| [x.id, x.name]}]
Here we created a hash in just one line with Id as the key of hash a...