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How to show delete button on UITableView on swipe left ?

One of the commonly used feature in UITableView is to show delete button on the swipe of the table view cell and perform the delete operation. Let us take an example to understand and implement this :- Begin by creating a new project and assig...

Factors that should be taken care while Requirement Gathering

As per company hierarchy a Business Analyst is the person who is responsible for Requirement Gathering, he/she is the person who completely analyze the Client’s requirements with the plethora of activities with due course of time. There ...

How to make your divs to display horizontally not Vertically

Hello Readers, this is a small blog on making divs display horizontally not vertically. Here is a very simple and easy code that will make divs to stack horizontally.     To achieve this we will make  HTML page and  CS...

Confusion with action and filter hooks

Welcome to FindNerd. Today I am going to discuss the confusion which has been created by word-press developers. If you check the source code of add_action then you will realize what I am asking. Please check the code below. function add_a...

add_action and add_filter in WordPress

Welcome to FindNerd. Today I am going to discuss two widely used functions in word-press that are add_action and add_filter. I have described the hooks and its uses in previous blogs so please follow these blogs for the same. Here we are discu...

How to manage and configure outgoing email in Openerp(Odoo-9)

In Odoo, first, create database on server then install like: sale and account module and mapping with country account like as united state currency is $ then install module: United States – Accounting install. And If users want to send an ...

Cordova-plugin-contacts: (Which manage the device contacts)

Hello Readers, This post is about Cordova contacts plugin which provides access to the device's contacts database. So in our Cordova application, we can access the contacts from device. First, we need to install the plugin through CLI: ...

Types of Gradient Fills In illustrator

Gradients are used to create Transition between two or more than two colors. To make objects more realistic you should know about the most basic tool of illustrator i.e, Gradient. In illustrator there are two types of gradient Linear & Radial...

Easy Responsive Data Tables in HTML with demo

In this post, you will learn an easy way to show tables in responsive design. We will use css media queries for responsive designs in data tables. By using this we can find out the screen where we want to change css for table. Below css code is u...

How to make a wood texture in illustrator?

Make a Wood Texture   Step 1: Open up a new document with 800 * 800px.   Step 2: Draw a lines on the left and right sides as same as the height of art board. Now by using blend tool select the specified steps set a...

Understanding scopes in AngularJS

An  AngularJS application uses an object called $scope which is shared between controller and view.  This object holds the Model data that is passed to the View and acts as a glue between Controller and View. In this blog we will dive d...

Adding, Removing or Changing a column through Active Records in Rails

While creating a web application we create models in our application which act as tables in the database. Sometimes when the development of the application moves further, the need arises to add a column to our existing table or removing a column ...

How to use FlexBox Layout in android?

FlexboxLayout is a newly introduced library in android and alike CSS Flexible Box Layout Module to Android it has the same ability. Flexbox Layout works similar to the LinearLayout in android, it places children view sequentially. Each child...

WordPress Navigation Management

Welcome to FindNerd. Today we are going to discuss the navigation management in word-press. We all knows WordPress provides text as well as functionality management using admin end. If you talk about the navigation then we can use the function...

Core Graphics Concept

  Hi readers! This blog includes an example of core graphics with multiple choice option available to the user to draw different shapes in an application. Different shapes which we are going to draw in this application are line, sphere...

Capybara Test if string is a number

Many times we have a situation when we have to test the value of a web-element is a number or not. If the web-element stores the value in integer format then we can easily check that whether the desired element is number or not but suppose i...

Clarification of hooks in WordPress

Welcome to FindNerd.   Today we are going to discuss the hooks in WordPress. We all know hooks are also known as actions and filters. Many of the developers are confused with these terms. They are using filters and actions in their pro...

Structure Systems in PIM

Hello Today we would discuss about Structure Systems in PIM desktop.    Structure systems Standard structure systems and user-defined structure systems are powerful and flexible tools for organization, navigation and di...

Counting Sort

Hi, This blog is to help you to understand counting sort in easiest manner, counting sort can sort the range in linear time but we have to provide the starting element and last highest element of the range (means elements in the rang...

Routes in Rails using Objects

Hi friends, Whenever a request comes to a server, the first thing comes into picture is routes, that tells the request about which controller's action will respond to that request. When I started creating my first application one thing alw...

How to find the diffference of arrays in PHP

My previous blog Compute intersection of two or more arrays demonstrates about PHP functions which are used to compute intersection of two or more arrays. These functions return an array of common elements from first array which are also present ...

Find out days count in a year

Description: A variation of determining leap years, assuming only integers are used and years can be negative and positive. Write a function which will return the days in the year and the year entered in a string. For example, 2000, entered...

Animated Trafficlight Using CSS3

Hello, readers In today's blog I have tried to create something different with the help of CSS3 properties. I have created an animated traffic light using animation, box-shadow, linear and radial-gradient and various others properties of C...

Add Subscriber to a MailChimp using mailchimp-api gem or mailchimp-api Integration in application

Lets supposed we have requirement to add a subscriber to mailchimp while user registering on our website. For this, we can use 'mailchimp-api' gem & we can integrate mailchimp-api gem as following in our application add gem in Gemf...

How to set paging in Codelgniter

Hello Friends, If you are looking to set paging and listing in CodeIgniter. Please review the below example code and make your changes accordingly.   Controller Code Open your controller file and make the changes as below: &...

How To Create Halftone effect In Illustrator

STEP 1   Choose File > New. Once the new document window appears name the document then add width and height. Make sure that your document has large canvas.   STEP 2   Type your text using Bold and thick font t...

Using href link values inside your select box

In this post, you will learn how to connect select box option with the anchor tag link. Sometimes you want to change the select box value like an anchor tag with the refresh of page. Lets understand this with an example. If you have select bo...

Cordova Insomnia plugin - Keep the screen awake

Hello readers, This post is about cordova insomnia plugin. Which prevent the mobile screen from turn down and locking while user is not touching the screen. This feature used in applications when we read a lengthy document or watching a vid...

How to send a request with parameters in Alamofire

Alamofire is HTTP networking library for iOS and Mac OS X, which is written in swift. Alamofire is based on NSURLSession,but it make network code much easy to write. Following function is available in Alamofire.  .upload  .down...

Listing, Managing and Using Ruby versions

Listing, Managing and Using Ruby versions in Rails application I am writing this blog to discuss how can we see ruby versions installed in our system. In addition to it this blog also contains how can we manage them and use different v...

HealthKit Introduction

Hi Readers This Tutorial is a brief introduction about the new feature introduced in iOS 8 ,that is, HealthKit.It gives us the way to store and retrieve a user’s health data. Before using this HealthKit let us go through the app via w...

Onkeypress Enter focus Input field

Hii, In this blog I am going to share a javascript code using which we can create a form in which user can fill data without using mouse to move from one input field to another. You will see that on keypress enter focus will move to next inpu...

Fit an image in the absolute center of a div and keep the aspect ratio

Hello readers, this is a small blog on auto resize of an image by keeping its aspect ratio and display image horizontally and vertically in the center of the div. Here is very simple and easy method to solve this problem of displaying image in...

Creating Custom Post Types in Wordpress

As we know wordpress contain post and pages as their primary substance. They are main content type in wordpress .But we can also make our own custom content types these are called custom post types.  They are similar to post and...

How to disable the text select in browser with demo?

If the user doesn't want his content to be copied or only want the other user to read it. He can use the following code of lines to disable the selection of text in the browser. <div style="-moz-user-select: none; -webkit-user-select:...

Automatic icon resizing plugin for Cordova: Phonegap

In this post, you will learn about the plugin for automatic resizing of icons. You must know that both android and iOS platform needs different size of icons according to different devices.     If you need to change your ap...

Install Cairo-Dock on your Ubuntu

Hi there, If you got bored from Ubuntu old plain launcher then try to install Cairo-Dock. It will give you Mac's OS Dock feel. :) In addition there are many other advantage of it too. For Installation Use the following command t...

.Net Framework : Garbage collection

Garbage collection is an important technique in .Net that is used to free the memory for unused object that are no longer referenced.It has the following benefits.   1. It enables you to develop an application without having worry to f...

How to use the built-in camera of the iPhone ?

To use the built-in camera of the iPhone consider the following example. In this example we will also see how to access the photo library and select a photo and use it. Create a single view application and assign a name to it. Then in the Main...

How to inherit delegation and view in OpenERP(Odoo)

In OpenERP first, we create a module and then inherits to the delegation and views both in your own module. Follow these step shown below Step1- First we create a module like as: test and then create a test.y file in an own module and pass ...

Compare similar words in two strings

DESCRIPTION: Two Samurai Generals are discussing dinner plans after a battle, but they don’t appear to reach a consensus.   The discussion gets heated and you cannot risk favoring either of them as this might damage your political...

Show mobile Ad with cordova AdMob plugin

In this post, you will learn how to show mobile ads in your screens. Cordova provides a plugin for google admob. Using this plugin you can show mobile Ad with a line of JavaScript code. It is designed for use in HTML5 based hybrid applications or...

Adobe Illustrator CC : Tools shortcuts For Windows & Mac


Count the occurence of an interger in a string

Description: Given a string of integers, count how many times that integer repeats itself, then return a string showing the count and the integer. Example: countMe('1123') (count_me in Ruby) Here 1 comes twice so <count>...

How to make 3D text in illustrator

3D Text by using 3D Extrude & Bevel   Step 1: Open up your document You can open a new document of any size what you want.   Step 2: Adding the text Click on type tool (T) or press 'T' and drag...

How to disable previous dates in datepicker using jQuery?

Hi Readers,  Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss a method to disable previous dates in datepicker using jQuery? Datepickers is a very important feature of a web application. It is mostly used in any registration form when ...

Add Reyes Effect in Photoshop

In this article, I am going to share with you, "how to add REYES EFFECT" in photoshop on the image and how to play with the brightness/contrast.       Step 1 : Decrease the contrast on the image :- Go t...

Use of Migration in Rails

Rails Migrations can be used to alter the database.Migration allows ruby to define the changes in database schema in a consistent and easy way. So If one deleloper make some changes in database schema, the other developers just need to update, a...

PDF generation using Apache FOP

Hello readers,       This blog is to help you to learn how to generate PDF using Apache's FOP in Java. Apache FOP ( Formatting Object Processor ) which uses XSL-FO to create PDF file of our document. Here is a s...

Form Validation with AngularJS and ASP.NET MVC

In this blog, we will learn about form validation in AngularJS. From Angular 1.3 onwards, ngMessages module has been introduced and we will be using the same for form validation. Before the addition of this module, developers had to make use dire...
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