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How to use .xib file for custom UITableViewCell?

Here is an example for creating custom .xib tableviewCell :-   Create a new file and when the window appears then first select USER INTERFACE from the menu appearing on left side and then select EMPTY file and create it. The .xib file ...

Add In App Purchases to your cordova application

In this post, you will get to know of integrating in app purchases in your cordova application. cordova-plugin-inapppurchase is used to add in app purchases into your application for both android and iOS platform. Installing the plugin: &n...

An Animated Wifi Symbol using CSS3

Hello readers, In today's blog I have tried to make An animated WIFI symbol using CSS3 properties. As using CSS3 animation and transform rotate property , I have created an animated wifi symbol showing the increase and decrease in the sign...

Gestures and Events in ionic framework

Hello Readers, Today’s post is about gestures and events in ionic framework. Ionic framework provides gestures and events to make application more effective. These are the following gestures and events with Example: on-hold :...

How to check a key or value exist in array or not

This article demonstrates about PHP functions which can be used to check whether a key or value exist in an array or not. The details of each function are given below : 1. Checking a value in array 1.1 in_array() in_array() is the most pop...

How to blur background image using BitMap?

 In the below example code I have created blur background image function. In activity_main.xml layout I have added a Button and ImageView. Now see programming area, here I have used Bitmap class. When a user clicks on button background im...

How to use getLastInsertId() in CakePHP in 2.4.1 version?

Hi Reader's,  Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to use getLastInsertId() in CakePHP in 2.4.1 version? In CakePHP there are two methods for getting the last inserted id 1-Model::getLastInsertID() 2-Model::ge...

Kill Yourself If You Can't Be Productive with 'Content

  A cardinal sin in today’s world is to sit on under cooked and unproductive content. As the age-old approach of spray and pray is slowly slipping into the folds of obsolescence, newer ways to reaching to the prospects are makin...


An NSNotificationCenter is used for broadcasting information within a program. It is like television broadcast where messages are broadcasted throughout the program. We can send the notification when some event occurs. For example, There is no...

How to add metabox WordPress

Welcome to Findnerd. In a series of wordPress functions, today i am going to discuss the wordPress function add_meta_box. WordPress is full on with customized options. Meta boxes is a wonderful option to customize. Meta-boxes are the special type...

Convert string into barcode image

Hi Readers, This blog includes a very simple example to convert a string into barcode image. As in one of my previous blogs I have explained how to read barcode with the help of iPhone camera and now in this blog I will explain how those barco...

Solution to the problem when scaffold inherits the inherited class due to active admin

Solution to the problem when scaffold inherits the inherited class and not the application controller due to active admin   While creating a web application in rails we always need an admin panel through which we can manage t...

how can i insert a value into foreign key in mysql table using php?

I am having a problem when I try to push value into a foreign key in MySQL table I don't know if it's correct but I have used the  GET method to pass the primary key through a link but it didn't work so how can I use the right wa...

Database Installation in PIM set up

Hello This section will detail out some insight on how  to set up the database system for PIM.   PIM Database Pre-Installation Checklist During database installation: Create a new schema Create a user with full read/...


PopOverView is used to show the pop up menu. To implement PopOverView first we have to embed navigation to the view controller and take one another Content view controller to show the popup data. Take one button in view controller and give acti...

Rails Active Records Callbacks: Part 2

Hi Friends, In my previous blog Rails Active Records Callbacks: Part 1, I explained about why these callbacks are required and also discussed about some of the useful methods available in rails active records during creation and saving of the ...

An Animated Birthday Cake Using CSS3

Hello, readers In today's blog I have tried to make An Animated Birthday Cake using animation, transform, keyframe and box-shadow properties of CSS3. In this example, Firstly I have created a div with the class name as cake for creating th...

How to use load() method in jquery?

Hi Reader's,  Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to use load() in jquery?  Basically load() method is used for loading data from server and putting return data into selected item,in simple word we can say tha...

Understanding directives in AngularJS

Directives are an important feature of AngularJS which are used to extend HTML and create reusable and testable code. The framework provides a set of rich built in directives and we can also build  custom ones if required. In this tutorial w...

Key Differences Between MailChimp and Agile CRM

  It’s tough to draw a comparison between a wheel and a spoke. The latter may be a key factor that keeps the wheel running but if you lost out one, the wheel still moves. A seemingly confusing analogy can be drawn to today&rsquo...

Create a textField with left Side image and bottom border line in swift

1- Create a new class subclass of UITextField. 2 -Write down code below in new created class 3- Add a textField in ios Your viewController. 4- Chnage th class of your TextField with the new class that you created. 5- Change the attrib...

Understanding AngularJS Bootstrap Process

Bootstrap process in angularJs is simple and you should know about it. There are two ways of bootstrap process in angularJs: Automatic Bootstrap Manual Bootstrap Automatic Bootstrap: When we run our angularJs App the DOM(Document Ob...

add_query_arg function in WordPresswp

Welcome to FindNerd. In a series of word-press functions, today i am going to discuss the word-press function add_query_arg. As its name implies, it is used to add arguments in a URL. First of all we discuss the parameters of this function. It...

Array Conditions and selecting specific fields to find or retrieve from database (Active records)

Array Conditions and selecting specific fields to find or retrieve from database through Active records Array Conditions To retrieve some specific data from the database we use the where method which gets the records in the form o...

func_get_args and func_num_args functions PHP

Welcome to Findnerd. In a series of PHP functions, today i am going to discuss the PHP function func_get_args. PHP is a scripting language which uses programing concept in much easy way. func_get_args came in PHP4 and it is being modified in late...

How to Kick Start an Affiliate Marketing Business in 8 Easy Ways

In my previous article, I had provided the details about Affiliate Marketing Business and its functioning. This article is a step forward. It guides you to kick start your Affiliate Marketing Business in 8 easy steps. Happy reading :)   ...

Affiliate Marketing Business : A Quick Guide

Do you want to start your Affiliate Business?   Every year hundreds of newbies start affiliate marketing business to earn passive income.   It’s far easy to make money by selling others products through blogs and/or we...

Getting OS-level system information using Java

Hello readers, Here below is a small Java program to extract information such as the current disk space used, CPU utilisation and memory used in the underlying OS. To get information related to the disk usage you can also use clas...

wp_list_filter wordpress function

Welcome to Findnerd. In a series of word-press functions, today I am going to discuss the word-press function wp_list_filter. It's working as per the name. If you want to filter an array or a list then it can be a beneficial one. This func...

How to increase and decrease the date by one on click using js?

If the user wants to increase or decrease the date by one, on click of a button, he can easily do this by using the following code. HTML: Date: <input type="text" class="dateone" id="datepicker"> <input type="button" onclic...

Swipe Items left or right

At certain application there is need to integrate swiping feature with your UI component, to make the UI more interactive.  Here we are taking a simple example in which one swipe the items of recycler view left or right . For this we u...

Remove Red eye using Photoshop

Hello everyone , In this tutorial, you will learn how to remove red eye using Photoshop. While clicking any picture, mostly when using flash or in dim light, a red color is seen in the  in the person's eye . It can be easily ...

How to change email templates in OpenERP(Odoo-9)?

In OpenERP first, create a database and then install the sale module and account module with mapping your country currency and account module. Then install the mass mailing module in your database and thenconfirme your email templates in mass mai...

Capybara get element attribute value

Many times we have to test the value of any attribute. With the help of find method, we can only locate the element but cannot get the value of all attributes of that element. So, to get the value of any attribute we have to give the name of that...

Understanding Data Binding in AngularJS

In this post, you will learn about the data binding in angularJs. It is one of the powerful feature which angularJs provides. There is two-way data binding in angularJs to bind data between model and view. The data binding mechanism is handle...

Animating Multi Color CSS3 Loader Tutorial

In this tutorial we will going to discuss about CSS3 Loader. Loader are useful to show in website when there is no content visible for long time while the content is loading. For making loader i have used CSS3 properties and used different colors...

Native page transition for cordova application

Hello readers, Cordova native transition plugin provides native transition between your application views. This plugin provides a complete  supervision to you over the duration, direction and type of transition required in your app. This...

Rails Active Records Callbacks: Part 1

Hi friends, Whenever you create,save or initialize an object there are so many things available in rails that are called Callbacks or Hooks. They can be used as checks between on stage of the object to another. In this chapter I am going to ex...

Magento modification

Website: 1.     Prices are not visible, because of white font 2.     Footer a)    Footer Social Media – icons:

has_filter and has_action

 Welcome to FindNerd. Today I am going to discuss two word-press functions has_filter and has_action. You can use any of the function between two because indirectly has_action is calls has_filter. Both of them use global variable $wp_filt...

How to upload multiple image in php?

Hi Reader's, Welcome to FindNerd Today we are going to discuss how to upload multiple image in php? To upload  the multiple files you can follow the process by uploading it using different names for input. The process of uploading...

Create cool 3D Revolving Globe

In this excellent tutorial you will learn how to create a 3D vector globe. First step is to download a vector world map from free vector sites like All free vector download or Freepik etc.     Open the vector file of world ...

How to create a lighting effect by using transparency mode

Create lighting effect Step 1: Open up a new document with 900 * 500 px.   Step 2: Create a rectangle on the canvas. Now goto the gradient tool and open up gradient panel. choose the color what you want and fill with ...

How to get mailchimp-api-key

API stands for application programming interface and used to communicate between two different applications. In order to integration of “mailchimp-api” rails app, we'll need to Mailchimp_Api_Key. We can get this  parameter...

Compute difference of arrays using a user defined function

My previous article How to find the difference of arrays in PHP demonstrate about some predefined PHP functions such as array_diff(), array_diff_key() and array_diff_assoc() which are used to compute the difference of two or more arrays. These fu...

Customizing Routes with resources

Hi Friends, In my previous blog Routes in Rails using Objects, I explained about using routes with objects. Today I am going to tell you about how we can customize the routes that are created using resources. As we know whenever we mention res...

Slide Element from Left to Right Position

Hello readers, This is a quite simple blog that will show how to slide a div from left to right using jquery function. Here I have taken two div one is outer that have some property like it is set to at left position and add the background col...

Read CSV data using Java

Hello In this blog I will give a demo about how to read CSV data from a file. For this purpose I will use Opencsv library. Opencsv  is a very simple csv (comma-separated values) parser library for Java. You can download  the binar...

How to use Bottom Sheet in android ?

A Bottom Sheet is a layout that slides up from the bottom side of the screen. This layout slides up on user triggered action. There are two options to implement this functionality, the first one  creates main container view with a BottomShee...


RefrostedViewController is used to show the side menu. For Refrosted View controller first we have to install pod ,we can install this version i.e pod 'REFrostedViewController', '~> 2.4’. We need one Root Controller i...
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