How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
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Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
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Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
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Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
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Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
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Model Validation Using cakephp 3.x with Example
As we all know that validation plays an important role in any technology. In cakephp 3.x we will implement either model validation or javascript validation. Steps to implement model validation is as follow.
Step 1: Fisrt we have to set the val...
client side and sever side validation in cakephp
Data validation plays an important role in any application, It helps to confirm that the data in a Model confirms to all the rules of any application.
There are 2 types of validation in cakephp. First one is server side and the...
How to apply Server Side Validation on form in Cakephp
Data validation is the process to ensure that computer input coming from user is clean, correct and useful. Data validation also checks if field is not empty. If validation fails , response is sent back to the user, then display proper message, s...
How to use Validation in CakePHP using Ajax in 2.4.1 version?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss how to use Validation in CakePHP using Ajax in 2.4.1 version?
Validation is very important feature for user input in a web application. By validation we can make sure that the d...
Some Common Validation in Active Records (Rails)
Hello everyone,
As we know in almost all the web applications there are forms, text boxes and several other fields which need big time validations so that the security of the application is maintained and no one should be able to alter it or p...
validations in ruby
There must be something twirling inside your mind after seeing validations in ruby, validation
are basically used to check whether you are sending right parameters or not. i will explain you
by brief code
class School <...
Custom Validation rules in CakePHP
Validation is a process of analyzing the exactness of data. It assures that the data entered is according to our requirement or not.
CakePHP has it's own inbuilt validation rules. In CakePHP validation rule is locate in the Model file of t...
Validating Captcha code using php
Captcha verification includes:
should be a combination of alphanumeric characters.
should be case-sensitive
fresh captcha is to be displayed whenever a webpage is refreshed.
should be refreshed when user enters incorrect value.
jquery validation method
jquery validation is a pattern of checking of input desired code user need a standard library of validation method and include the file into the same folder. it is a process of ensuring that computer input is clean and correct by using the rules ...
Difference Between Verification And Validation
Hello Readers...
By this blog i am trying to explain the difference between the ‘Verification’ and ‘Validation’. I hope this way of presenting is very easy to understand for all the test engineers.
Types of validation controls in ASP.NET
Validation is an essential part of any web application. It is used to validate user input data. Before sending the user's input to different layers it must be validated.
Validation is of two types:-
1. CLIENT SIDE- client side validation is c...
How to validate email address
It is very important to validate the email while validating an HTML form. An email is taken as a string which is separated into two parts by the @ symbol.
1. user_info
2. a domain
i.e., user_info@domain.
The length of the user_info pa...
How to validate coma seperated emails using Javascript
Hello Reader's, If you are developing the form for multiple email address as input, then you need to validate each email individually. You can do it by validating on submit or after submit.
By using the Jquery script you can do it on user end,...
Validation in PHP?
Validation basically meant for test or check the input values which are submitted by the any user while processing any form or process.
PHP allow us two kind of validation there.
Client-Side Validation These Validation we performed on ...
How to apply validation on checkbox with jQuery?
Sometimes we need to check whether a checkbox is checked or not. We can do this easily by using "checked" attribute of a checkbox.
Example: In the below I have created a function validateCheckBox() that checks whether a checkbox is checked or ...
How to make custom HTML 5 email validation
Hello Reader!
If you have been working with HTML 5 validation then on incorrect email address web broser will show the default error message "please enter a valid email address".
Now you can make it custom and write your own message. Lets see t...
email address validation in php
By using 'eregi' we can validate our email address.For validate email we use a pattern and match our email address with this pattern
function isValidEmail($email_address)
$emailpattern = "^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0...
Phone number validation using libPhoneNumber Library
libphoneNumber Library is used to validate the phone number and it is a google's library mostly used by google products and Whatsapp
phone number validation is important for app so that you can get valid number from your use...
Email Validation in iOS
While creating any Login or Registration UI in iOS we ask user to enter their email id. To avoid wrong data entry we can validate entered data by using a simple validation method. Below method will return you a BOOL value. Here it is:-
Virtual attributes in Rails like acceptance and confirmation
Hi Friends,
We have talked about few Rails topics earlier like validates associated and overriding naming convention of table names. Here I am again with one more topic Virtual Attributes in Rails. Before discussing that lets look into a situati...
How to validate dynamically genetrated form using javascript
If you want to validate the dynamically generated form using javascript:
You can use this code :
<div id="example">
<form id="newForm">
<input type="text" name="email" id="email" value="mail" /&g...
How to check if the email is valid in iOS sdk
Hi readers,
Many apps require email validation in iOS. Here the function that can be used to check if email string is valid or not. It can be achieved by NSPredicate like following:
-(BOOL)isValidEmail:(NSString *)checkString
long n...
Form Validations in HTML5
Different type of validation for HTML5:
1. Required Attribute: It is used when the value before submission of a form in not filled.
It is sometimes known as Mandatory or Compulsory field.
Use of "required" attribute.
Validation And Verification
Validation :
Determination of the correctness of the final program or software product from a development project with respect to the user needs and requirements. Validation is usually accomplished by verifying each stage of the software deve...