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Search records using angularJS with nodeJS

Welcome to Findnerd. Today we are going to build an application for searching the records. As we all know that we have written many blogs on angularJS as well as nodeJS. We want to recommend you to check these blogs for clear idea of these two fr...

How to create a login page with validation using angular js?

  In this blog, we illustrate how to create a login page with some validation using angular js. To validate a login form data we can use the following to trace the error: 1. $dirty:- It is used to check whether the value has bee...

Evaluate QA team Performance

We know that  performance of a developer is measured based on a number of defects detected in developed and quality of codes. but for tester or quality assurance team we will measure their efficiency and performance on the basis of following...

Ticker Example using Jquery

In this tutorial I am going to tell you how we can transform some explanation and available basic HTML into an attractive news ticker that fluently scrolls its contents. News tickers can be horizontal as well as vertical today I am going to creat...

Ionic2 and typescript - Plugin to return the information of the current app

Hello Readers, In today's post we will learn about to get app information using ionic2 and typescript. First of all we need to install plugin through CLI: $ ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-app-version   This plugin supports...

Use of dir attribute in Html

dir attribute: It is used to specify the direction of text in Html element content. In Html5 it can be used with any html element. Prior to Html5 it cannot be used with <base>, <br>, <frame>, <frameset>, <hr>, <...

How to fadeIn the selected cell of uicollection view in objective C

If we want to fadeIn the selected cell of collection view then use the following code- Sometimes we need to show the selected cell . For example - If we have list of songs and we want to display which song is currrently playing then FadeIn met...

Explaining HTTP Status Code 3xx Series

As know that all the web servers respond with HTTP status code in the first line of the response, which indicates the status of the server for the request from the client. HTTP 3xx series status codes indicate that for accessing a particular reso...

Staggered Grid Layout with RecyclerView android

This blog is about how to create StaggeredGridLayout with Recycler view in Android. Recyler View is advanced version of ListView/GridView. Here we start how to Create StaggeredGridLayout with  Recyler View. 1. Create Project. ...

Discussion on converting .DOCX file to .PDF file using LIBREOFFICE in cakephp

Hi Reader's, Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss converting ".DOCX" file to ".PDF" file using LIBREOFFICE in cakephp. If we are developing any web application in CakePHP then sometimes we need a file to ...

How to set minimun height and width of cropbox in Cropper Jquery Plugin

Setting minimun height and width of cropbox:- Hello Readers! In this blog I am going to explain you minheight and minwidth of a cropbox, which is used in the Cropper Jquery Plugin for selecting an image to crop, By default this Cropbox size...

How to add Custom font-size text-box in TinyMCE editor in rails application?

In my previous blog, I wrote about how to add Google fonts in TinyMCE editor and now there is a requirement to add a custom text-box by which user can customize font-size in TinyMCE-editor. In order to do this task we will follow all the steps...

Full text search in rails with pg_search

We often need to integrate search functionality in our application, If our rails application is using PostgreSQL as a database, then we can use pg_search gem. This is the easiest way to add a search feature on any rails application having postgre...

Horizontal RecylerView Android

This blog is about how to create Horizontal Recycler view in Android. Recyler View is advanced version of ListView.  Here we start how to convert Recyler View scrolling to Horizontal scroll. 1. Create Project. 2. Create Activity. ...

ACL in Joomla

ACL stands for access control List in Joomla. ACL is a mechanism using which we can provide access to the users to access the articles,modules, plugins and other extension. It's the feature of Joomla using which we can publish an article, mod...

How to resize images from one folder to new desitnation?

Hello Reader's,  If you have a folder full of larger images and you want to resize them into a new folder then PHP offers you to do this in a quick and easy programming. Suppose you have uploaded the website images in upload folder and...

Test Release Process

Below are some points to keep in mind for Test Release Process Improvement:     1) Before starting the smoke or sanity testing on the new release, you should review the report prepared for the release of new functionality or up...

How to create a fire effect in illustrator

In this tutorial, we'll learn how to create the fire effect using gradient mesh. follow these steps to create it.   Step 1: Open up a new document and make a rectangle with solid black color.   Step 2: Make an another re...

Explaining Status Code Meaning For HTTP 2xx Series Which Indicates Success Message

In this blog we will learn what is the success situation under HTTP 2xx series (i.e. displaying success message in different situations).HTTP 2xx series status code in the server response indicates that the request from the client is received and...

Use of npm start command in nodejs

In this small tutorial we will learn how we use the “npm start” command in node.js.Let us create a simple node application using express framework: npm install -g express-generator express mynodeapp cd mynodeapp/ && ...

Linux Directory Structure

Linux Directory Structure Hello friends welcome to findnerd. Today I will let you know the directory structure of linux. Every Operating System has its directory structure in which system files are stored. The following directories are commonl...

Install Skype Call Recorder on Ubuntu 14.04

How to Install Skype Call Recorder on Ubuntu 14.04? Record skype call records automatically, whenever someones call you then you can now record conversations instantly. This is the excellent feature provided by skype. Skype call records are ge...

Cake bake in Cakephp 3

Installing Cakephp 3 Welcome to Findnerd friends. Today I am going to tell you how to generate code using cakephp 3. We are going to start from the installation process in cakephp 3. Lets begin installing cakephp 3 by writing the following co...

Cakephp 2: Generate custom method and view for baking

Generate custom method and view in Cakephp using bake method As all we know that baking is the best and powerful method provided by cakephp for developing CRUD methods . It helps the developers to develop the website very easily and faster. Cu...

Managing User Accounts in Linux

Managing User Accounts in Linux Hello friends today I will let you know how to manage user accounts in Linux. You must have created at least one account apart from root in Linux if you are using it. If there are many users who are using your s...

Enter Single User Mode in Linux

How to Enter Single User Mode in Linux In single user mode only the system administrator can log in the account. Some of the administrative operations can only be done in single user mode. For example: i) Unmounting a user partition. ii)...

MySql: Display last conversation between multiple users in Inbox

Retrieve last message between multiple users and display it in inbox   Hello friends today I am going to tell you how to display last conversation in Inbox. For example: In whatsapp chat list we can see the last conversation of each us...

Chapter 5: jQuery Effects

Hi all, jQuery offers you easy interface for doing many kind of effects with easy and minimum code configuration. In this post some of important jQuery methods for visual effects. hide() and show() For showing and hiding element(s) is...

How to create paper curls on hover using css?

Hello Readers! In this blog post, we are trying something really interactive. Ever seen your notebook pages fold from the corners? Or did you just anytime fold it purposely to return to that page without much searching? Here’s the same t...

How to remove all child nodes from the selected elements?

If you want to remove all the child nodes which contain selected HTML elements then it's not a difficult task now, we can do this easily with the help of jQuery empty() method. All the child nodes of our selected HTML element will be remov...

Browser History Manipulation

Hello Everyone!! Javascript can manipulate the browser history with the help of the some inbuilt function.The DOM window object can access the the history  with the history function.. It exposes useful methods and properties that let you ...

Count Badge in Menu Android

This blog is about counter badge on icon of Menu . like counter of Notification. Here is code of this tutorial. 1. Create project. 2. Create text_circle.xml in res->drawable folder. 3. Write below code to text_circle.xml. <...

Explaination of Cropper Jquery Plugin

What is Cropper jquery? Cropper jquery plugin is lightweight, simple, easy, effortless cropping plugin that helps to crop images in runtime using Cropper jquery, it help to get a cropped image along with several tools that adds different effec...

Creating toolbar in your component and Backend actions in Joomla

Joomla Toolbar are the buttons that we have used several time for performing the functionalities. Whenever you open any component of Joomla from admin section you have seen buttons such as New, Delete, Edit, Publish, Unpublish and Param...

How to make Tab layout with using material design support library

In the below example I have created a Tab layout using  design support library. When user clicks on tab, tab color will change, mean it will identify that you have clicked on that   particular tab. Here, first I have added materi...

Custom Multi Select Box

Customizing a multiple select is a very challenging task. The default layout of the multiple select box looks like this: To make it a drop-down multiple select box we need to create a custom made multi select box. Here is the html code:...

Redis server and its installation

Redis is the most popular key-value, open source and in-memory data structure store that can be used as a database. Here in-memory means that instead of storing the data on disk redis relies on main memory for data storage. As a result redis data...

How to make a div's height 100% of the browser window?

Hello Readers! Ever wanted to make a div stretch vertically according to the browser window's height? One solution that instantly appears into our mind is height:100%. But this doesn't work as desired. The reason being % a relative ...

Abstraction and Interface

Abstraction Abstract defines "what something is". An abstract is a class which cannot be instantiated. It is declared by abstract keyword. A class can inherit/implement only one abstract or other class. An abstract class c...

JSX in ReactJS

JSX is JavaScript syntax extension. JSX is a pre-processor step that adds XML syntax to JavaScript. It isn't necessary to use JSX in React development, but it is recommended. It makes React more elegant. JSX t...

Build navigation bar using angularJS

Welcome to FindNerd. Today we are going to build navigation bar in angularJS. We are using nodeJS as a back-end framework. As we all knows, we have provided other blogs based on angularJS and nodeJS. You can check these blogs for getting a clear ...

Chapter 4: jQuery Events

Hello Readrs, We will learn about JQuery event in below. JQuery event provide you a facility to user interaction with a web page it means that you can code that runs when a user click(s) on a certain part of the page or an element(s). ...

How to create a battery in illustrator

In this tutorial, we'll learn to create a transparent battery in illustrator.   Step 1: Open up a new document and filled with black color.   Step 2: we'll start to make a metal cap of battery. So take a pen tool and...

A Concentric Circle Clock Using JavaScript and Canvas

Hello readers, today in my blog I will discuss about canvas . Using canvas I have created a Concentric circle clock.   The HTML <canvas> element is used to draw graphics on a web page using JavaScript.   It basically u...

Cordova badge plugin for access and modify badge numbers

Hello Readers, Cordova badge plugin notify users to that there is something for them when app is in background. For example: Unread messages, Notifications in apps, etc. This plugin works on Android, iOS, Windows, Wp8, Wp8.1 platforms and...

How to add subtitles in html5 videos tags ??

Hello Everyone !! The <track> tag is use to add subtitle file to the <video> in HTML5. The <track> tag has following attribute: Kind(gives the value of subtitle, indicating the type of content the files contain&nbs...

How to fetch and show records using Angular Js with Mysql

Hi reader's,  If you have done enough work with the technologies like PHP then you can switch to Angular Js. Using Angular Js is quick and fast to compile than PHP. If you want to fetch Mysql records now a days you can perform same task...

Discussion on useful Plugins in CakePhp

Hi Reader's, Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss about useful Plugins in CakePhp IF we are developing any web application in CakePHP then sometimes we need some plugins for adding some features like "Search Plugin"...

Counter-increment CSS

CSS counters are like variables. The value of CSS counters can be incremented by CSS rules. The addition value will track how many times the variable is used. CSS counters are having following properties:-   counter-reset   c...

How to run multiple instances of simulator in iOS

We can easily run multiple instances of simulator using terminal commands. But they have be different devices like iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 6 etc, i.e. we cannot have two simulators of iPhone 6 simultaneously. Also we can't use xcode...
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