How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
by kristina.rigina -
Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
by manoj.rawat -
Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
by sudhanshu.tripathi -
Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi
Binding syntax in Angular2
Hello Readers,
Data binding is a way where we can specify what user see with the application data values. Application should be easy to read, write i.e it should be user friendly, so data binding is very important part in application.
How to get crash report using Splunk Mint in Android App
Features of Splunk Mint:-
1) Monitoring slow transactions(track process) from start to finish.
2) Track user activity and events
3) Generate exception logs that occured in app.
4) Debug messages based on platform.
5) Examining errors by part...
Make a simple paint application in iOS
We all have seen a paint application in our PCs or laptops. So, here we are going to build a simple application which uses different colors to draw on the screen :-
Lets start with making the UI. Drag an UIImageView and UIView in the...
Chaining in jQuery
Chaining is a technique that allows us to run multiple jQuery commands, one after the other, on the same element. Using chaining we can run multiple jquery methods within a single statement.
Chaining makes code short and easy to manage and it im...
Custom Tooltip using Html and CSS
A tooltip is generally used to indicate hints (extra information) about something when the user moves the mouse pointer over an element.
We can use either bootstrap tooltip plugin or we can create our own tooltip using html a...
Join and Inject methods for arrays (Ruby)
Join and Inject methods for arrays in ruby
Join method is used to combine all array elements into one string.
With the help of join method we can combine a lot of strings present in an array into one single string.
Join method can a...
HAML in Rails
Rails default templating language is ERB which embeds ruby code into a HTML document, but there is an alternative templating language available called HAML.
HAML(HTML abstraction markup language) provides an elegant syntax which is easy to...
Default checked the checkboxes in CakePHP
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss to default checked the checkboxes in CakePHP 3
If we want to set checkbox in our cakephp application for showing list of a product in checkbox then firstly we have to find a lis...
How to create an app to upload resume or doc file in rails?
Lets suppose , we need an application which able to upload a file(i.e. pdf, doc, htm, html, docx) and user can delete it form the list in rails. So here we will use 'carrierwave' to upload file and for styling the pages use 'bootstrap...
Random movement of a sprite in 2D
When we develop a game sometimes we need gameobject move randomly without any user input. In this script a sprite randomly move in 2D and also rotate in moving direction.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class move : M...
Array operations in ruby
In our regular programming life, we always come in to situation where we need to pick few elements from array, remove them or insert some elements into them. In ruby there are methods available for such operations. Some of them are:
1) Select:...
Environment Variables (Part 2)
In part 1 of this series we have seen how easily we can export environment variables to .bash_profile file with Linux "export" command and then using it with "process.env" . But this approach do have some drawbacks does not sc...
Conversion of binary value to an integer
Given an array of one's and zero's convert the equivalent binary value to an integer.
Eg: [0, 0, 0, 1] is treated as 0001 which is the binary representation of 1
Testing: [0, 0, 0, 1] ==> 1
Custom email configurations in CakePHP 3.x
Welcome to FindNerd. We are going to discuss the Email settings in CakePHP 3.x. We have already discussed the different methods available in Email class in our previous blog. Click here to check the blog. We have also mentioned examples how...
Binding data with the layout
Typically, to bind data with the layout i.e with the UI fields we access the view elements in the activity using findViewById() method and then set the values to the views.
This sometimes becomes quite cumbersome when there are large no. of view...
Object-Oriented JavaScript
Objects are used to represent the real world entities in our code like bank account, books, person, etc, by storing all relevant information in one place, i.e, an object. We have two ways to create objects in javascript, i.e., 'Literal notati...
RMI Registery java.rmi.connectexception connection refused to host
Below is my code:
import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.filechooser.FileSyst...
What is the difference between Component, Helper and Behavior in CakePHP
Hello Friends,
Generally lots of programmer get confuse why we have three different things Component, Helper and Behavior in CAKEPHP while its seems to work same. Well the answer is yes all three items in CakePHP do the same kind of job, it ex...
How to use Validation in CakePHP using Ajax in 2.4.1 version?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss how to use Validation in CakePHP using Ajax in 2.4.1 version?
Validation is very important feature for user input in a web application. By validation we can make sure that the d...
How to add spining effect on social media buttons on mouse hover using css3?
Hello Readers, this is a small blog on spinning effect on mouse hover on social icons in css3. In this example , I have taken five icons when we hover the mouse , that particular icon will spin. Here I have used transition, whi...
DataContext in wpf
DataContext is one of the basic concepts in Data Binding which make sure to inherits the information from their parent element that is used for Binding and the other characteristics of the binding. It is extremely useful while designing WPF appli...
How to toggle font awesome icon in bootstrap accordion
If you want to use Font Awesome icons to indicate the open/close state with 'fa-chevron-down' and close(fa-times) icons in accordian then you can do easily i.e when you click on a heading of accordian the "fa-chevron-down&q...
Authentication Using PassportJS in express node.js
PassportJS is a flexible Authentication middleware that allows users to login. PassportJS library is fully customizable and works well with ExpressJS.
It is flexible in the sense that it allows the user for different login strategies such as L...
Tabindex attribute in Html
Tabindex attribute:
User uses tab key in a webpage to navigate through interactive elements(links,input fields etc) and navigation depends upon the elements order in Html code. But with the help of tabindex attribute we can change ...
What is CSS3 3D transform?
As we know css3 has many awesome features which makes our work easy. CSS 3D Transforms one of them. In past time, we mostly used flash for showing the 3D effect after that Script replaces flash and now the CSS3.
Below is some useful informatio...
Creating Wordpress Custom Plugin
In this blog post i am explaining how to create a custom plugin which we can use in wordpress.
For creating custom plugin first we have to create a file, here i am creating a plugin for a custom form type so i am naming the file as custom-form...
Environment Variables( Part 1)
What exactly are the environment variables? Environment variables are a set of key value pairs on which our project configuration depend and which might change according to the environment in which code it running i.e development/production/stagg...
Template path hints in magento
Hello Readers,
If you want changes in any page inMagento, Then you should surely know from which file the code is generated. In magento, the code on any page comes from different phtml files. if you are beginners, you should know abou...
Basic Methods and configurations of Email class in CakePHP 3.x
Welcome to FindNerd. We are going to discuss the Email configurations in CakePHP 3. Every framework or CMS includes different functions and configurations for email management. CakePHP uses Email class inside Cake\Mailer. By using this class Emai...
How to create Custm Keyboard in Android?
Hello Guys,
This is very important tutorial through which, we will learn how to create a custom keyboard without using third party library in the android application. This tutorial fully customizes device keyboard. We will go step by step to l...
find_all method in ruby.
The find_all method has to do with arrays in Ruby.This method simply iterates through all the elements in an array and meanwhile test each of them against a test condition and finally returns an array containing all elements for which the test re...
what is custom meta box and how to create custom meta box
The most critical part of the wordpress development theme is to make a custom meta box. It avoids forcing clients to depend on custom fields and it is an approach to add an editor to the post screen. when you create a post type then you have to a...
How to use joins with CakePhp in 2.x version?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss how to use joins with CakePhp in 2.x version?
Join is a very important feature for retrieving data from database with multiple tables. In a web application...
Cordova Email composer plugin
Hello Readers,
Cordova Email composer plugin allows you to send any HTML content to any email account. It provides standard email view into your application and user can edit or delete the content as per requirement.
This plugin supports iO...
Page caching in Rails
Page caching is a technique in which the output of an action is stored as a HTML file and when a request comes for that action,the web server can serve it without going through Action Pack. So basically in this approach we cache the content...
Solve null pointer exception
Here is my Code:
import java.sql.*;
public class dbcon {
Connection con;
Statement st;
ResultSet rs;
dbcon() {
try {
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(...
Use of accesskey Attribute in Html
accesskey Attribute:
Accesskey attribute is used in html forms and links. It provides the user to use keyboard keys for functions which are usually done by a mouse. Example: Like user clicks on links in a webpage using mouse , so with th...
Why Do We Need to Hire WordPress Developers?
Is it feasible to run a business without a business owner? Is it possible to look after the accountancy without an accountant? It is feasible to handle the graphes as well as routines of a business without a supervisor? The solution to every one ...
Create and load simple module in node JS application
Let's create a simple calculation module which performs the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of two numbers to the console.
As we know that in node app, module has a separate js file. So we'll create a calculate.j...
How SEO Firms are Adding Benefits to Your Business
As a matter of fact proper search engine optimization can result in more than 300% increase in number of visitors to a particular website and that is the reason a growing number of them now depend on Top SEO firms all across the glo...
How to create Pyramid Chart in android?
This tutorial will help you to create a Pyramid chart in android. In this process, pyramid chart shapes look like triangle and divided into multiple sections. Each Sections represent value of entity from provided data set. Follow below steps to c...
How to handle the click event in android RecyclerView
Listview has the callbacks for single click and long click, but the new concept RecyclerView haven't such things like setOnItemClickListener and setOnItemLongClickListener.
RecyclerView.OnItemTouchListener is the key of working with Sing...
Retrieving the selected text using JavaScript
In the example below, we have a textarea containing some text. When the user selects something using a mouse, we will check what user has selected. For that, we use selectionStart and selectionEnd properties of textarea, and we can get the select...
Saving secure data into keychain wrapper for app security
Hi Readers,
The keychain service provide a secure way to store content such as passwords, keys, certificates, etc. Each iOS app has a separate requirement to save items. There is a class named KeychainItemWrapper which provide you service to s...
Override Magento Account Controller
Hello Readers,
This tutorial will guide you about controller overriding using config.xml. Here i am giving an example "to override Customer AccountController".
Lets start by creating the following folders:
newstape in jquery
Today we learn how to make a 'scrollable newstape' using scroller plugin which help user to scroll a list of news with support of some events i.e mouse wheel, mouse drag.
Example :
HTML Code :
Integrating Paypal in Rails Application (Part-2)
Paypal Integration in Rails (continued)
Now, When the user is redirected to the method paypal_url , defined in the model file (order.rb) there we will give the html variables in which we will connect our application to the pa...
How to Pop Out Social Icons on mouse hover using css3
Hello Readers, this is a small blog on how to pop out an image on mouse hover using css3. This is possible by animating the position of the image and the box shadow property of css3.
In this example, I have taken images of facebook, linkedin, ...
How to setup youtube video in magento store?
If we need to add a video on our page in magento store lets see how we can do it
Follow these steps :
1. Login to the admin panel of your setup.
2. In admin panel menu go to CMS menu and click on option pag...
General Configurations in CakePHP 3.x
Welcome to FindNerd. We are going to discuss the general configuration in CakePHP 3.x. If you are working with conventions then there is no extra configuration required so we discuss the general ones.
You can check the configurations files in ...