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Installing Clean Windows Web Server 2008 R2 64-bit with IIS 7.5

While Installing Clean Windows Web Server 2008 R2 64-bit with IIS 7.5, If you receive the following errors when opening .NET 2.0 / .NET 4.0 application: 1. Managed handler is used; however, ASP.NET is not installed or is not installed completel...

Solution for error 'The requested address '/' was not found on this server' in cake PHP

If anyone face the error 'The requested address '/' was not found on this server' in cakePHP, then try these two steps:- Add function date_default_timezone_set() somewhere in you cake/app folder. If above solution not works then place date_...

Best QA Training Institutes in India

There are number of institutes which provides QA training in India.Some of The best QA training institute in India are listed below : QSpiders : Software industry keeps on doing changes day by day and improving, so do technology updates, Qspi...

How To Write Good Test Cases

Writing test cases is most important key activity performed by tester in software development life cycle(SDLC). This is the first step, followed by tester to identify, define & analyze the requirement. Test Cases: A test case is a set of c...

Ubuntu - Resolution Drivers

Hello All, Today when I was trying to installing Ubuntu 13.04 on my system suddenly I got stuck with resolution issues. After installation, it worked properly for few minutes but later on when I try to search or open any new application, f...

Creating fire asset for a Text: Using High pass, sharpen and vanishing point.

Creating fire asset for a text: Using High pass, Sharpen, and Vanishing point. For this upcoming tutorial we need couple of images of fire waves, So Google it to get some of these fire images so that we could start with our tutorial. Lets...

Get Pinterest Images into an iOS app

Simply to get User uploaded images from Pinterest we need to do following things first:- Install Pinterest native app on iOS device. Get logged in with any user credential. Now Hit the Pinterest API with passing . In json response you wil...

How to use "Group By" in views 3

Hello All, These are the following steps to use "Group By" in views 3 First create a new view. Select your content type under Filter section. Select style under "FORMAT" section in your page. Go to the selected style settings there...

Guidelines for Blogging

Important steps or points to be followed before posting any blog. Creating a unique technological blog every time seems to be a question in everyones mind. It is to be noted that just uploading codes doesn't count as good blogging. One needs ...

Database creation using PostgreSQL

Database creation using PostgreSQL To start work with postgres, you need to install Postgres. To download PostgreSQL 9.1, go through below link: Download To check that you are able to access psql, open cmd and fire command psql. If you ...

Property field in OpenERP

Each time you work in OpenERP, you find a new concept, recently I came across a concept Property Field in OpenERP and tried hard to understand it. Here is a small introduction to a property field. Property Field: A property field is a special ...

Relational Types in OpenERP

Relational types in OpenERP are: many2one one2many many2many related many2one: associates an object to its parent object. Example Customer and Invoices. Many invoices belong to one customer. Syntax: fields.many2one( ...

Get rid of the difference in base and subtotal amounts in an invoice

It has been noticed that if we create an invoice in OpenERP, we see a difference between the subtotal of a line and the base amount for taxes, and this amount can vary hugely as the quantity of the product/item increases. For this, I have been se...

How to copy entire folder in linux

While working on linux we usually need command to copy folder from one location to another , this can be archived by simple console commands in a simple way : cp -r sourcedir targetdir : Where -r means recursively i.e all the files in a folder...


Hi Guys, Do you know how to implement PageViewController ? This is an IOS very good and efficient feature. Below I have implemented a example which will help you use the PageViewController. Lets assume you have create a Book for kids ...

How to create a new table with specific column from another table

Check the rows of column is either greater than zero or not Use function DefaultView Pass the parameters true for distinct, and create new string for giving columns if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0) { DataTable dt2 = dt1.DefaultV...

Fetching data from Solr using Solarium

We seldom need to fetch result from solr based on limit and order by clause similar to sql queries , the same thing can be achieved using the below given code packet with solarium : // create a client instance $client = new Solarium\Client($...

XMPP integration using iOS sdks

If you want to add chat functionality in your iOS app . Then this blog can help you to do some basic chat functionality. Such as creating xmpp session , login on sever, creating room, getting list of login buddies and chatting. First step down...

Blog Writing Guidelines

Foundation of blog: Few things that are considered as the foundation of a Blog are: Keyword Embedding ( A blog must include your targeted keyword as per the theme of your content) Collect some attractive image related to post &...

Detecting the Wifi-Networks in android

From here you can easily detect the Wifi-Networks as well as there info surrounding your device. This can be achieved by using the "WifiManager" in a following way :- package com.example.wifidetector; import java.util.List; import andro...

Customer login issue in Magento 1.8.1

Customer login issue is just because of 'form_key' value. So , to avoid this error open your login.phtml file and place the below code under form tag - <input type="hidden" name="form&#95;key" value="<?php echo Mage::getSingleto...

How to export data to csv using javascript and jquery

Sometimes you face the problem to export the data into csv file using clientside platform. In this case you can use javascript and jquery. Below is the code to find out the solution: Javascript Code: $(document).ready(function () { ...

Convert a Drawable into Bitmap

Following method tells how to convert a drawable into bitmap // method to convert a drawable into Bitmap public static Bitmap drawableToBitmap (Drawable drawable) { // check if drawable is the instance of BitmapDrawable if (draw...

Set or Get phone wallpaper from your Application

To set or get the wallpaper of android phone from your application, we used WallpaperManager. This class provides access to the system wallpaper. By the help of this class you can get the current wallpaper of your phone inside your app and even c...

Install pdfkit and wkhtmltopdf library on Ubuntu 12.04/ruby

This library is used to create pdf from html. Steps to install: #Install wkhtmltopdf library in ruby by using below command: apt-get install wkhtmltopdf #Use below command to find the path. This path need to add in in pdfkit.rb[in i...

Mysql Function To Rounding number to nearest 1,10,100,1000

Below is the Mysql Function To Rounding number to nearest 1,10,100,1000 DELIMITER $$ DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `rounding&#95;to&#95;nearest`$$ CREATE FUNCTION `rounding&#95;to&#95;nearest`(num decimal(15,2),round&#95;to...

Implement Gesture listener on listview item

This blog gives a simple example to implement Gesture listener ( or horizontal swipe) on ListView item. public class MainActivity extends Activity implements OnGestureListener{ private ListView listView; private ArrayList LIST; ...

Stop browser to cache image ,css, js in cakePHP

core.php (inside /app/config/) has lot of features that help us improve our web application. Configure::write(Asset.timestamp, force); Setting the Asset.timestamp to force will add a time value after every css,js and image tag in your HTM...

Cumulus RTMFP

Cumulus RTMFP: CumulusServer is a open source and cross-platform RTMFP server. It is speed, light weight, cross-platform, scalable and elegant code. You can install Cumulus and used for live streaming. There is some pre dependency to inst...

Tabbar Customization

Snippet works all around to customize the tabbar icons & texts display color for selected and unselected state for iOS7 self.tabbarController.tabBar.tintColor = [UIColor greenColor]; Below code can be used to customize the text look. ...

How to save or delete caf file from NSDocumentDirectory

Follow these two methods to save or delete your .caf file from NSDocumentDirectory. -(NSString *)saveFileWithOldName:(NSString*)oldNameStr { NSArray *dirPaths; NSString *docsDirs; NSString *tempStr2; dirPaths = NSSearchPa...

Zoom an image using UIScrollView

The UIScrollView is used to view a content whose size is larger than the screen of the device. It can also be used to zoom in and zoom out an image, or to view an image that is significantly larger than the screen of the device. To make the scrol...

Getting coming sunday from current date in Java

To get the coming Sunday from the current date or specified date, write the following code: public static Date getNearestWeekend(Date date) { try { Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); Calendar cal1 = Calendar.getInstan...

Getting distance between two locations by lat/long

You will get distance between two location easily by using below code. You will just need lat/long of both location for which you have to calculate distance. /** * Get distance of location between two locations * @param lat2 * @param lon...

Transitioning with Views

To make the app look elegant and impressive, the programmers implement some animations or in other words transitions to switch between views. These transitions are provided by the Xcode libraries and are very easy to implement and use. The step b...

In app purchase sample code for iOS apps

Import StoreKit.Framework into your xcode project first. Apple allows three types of purchases within the app and Apple terms them as consumables, non-consumables and subscriptions. Consumables are products that are consumed immediately. ...

Search Engine Optimization Process

This Blog is all about SEO Strategy and how it works for a particular website .First of all in this there is a need to know about SEO, SEO(Search Engine optimization) is a process of increasing the visibility of your website on various search eng...

ERROR: Error 1005: Can't create table (errno: 121)

Sometimes we get this error on creating table in MySQL.This error will come when we use the constraint with the same name that is already used somewhere else. If the table you're trying to create includes a foreign key constraint, and you've p...

Full Screen on Flex

Some time we need to apply the full screen in swf. The following code can be used for full screen. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:Application xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="library://ns....

Creating xml from SQL query

This blog will show you how to create an xml from sql query having sql data. Write down the followng query to generate xml:- WITH XMLNAMESPACES ('' as phr) Select OrderResultID,OrderID ,PatientID ,SpecimenNum...

Could not determine temp directory, please specify a cache_dir manually

"Could not determine temp directory, please specify a cache_dir manually" in Magento Some times this error occur when you transfer the code to your server. This error mostly occur with Shared Server. To Solve it follow the below steps - ...

Unbinding Model in cakePHP

Lets say there are two models named as User and Post. A User hasMany Post, so in our User model we have a relation like this :- class User extends AppModel{ var $name = User; var $hasMany = array(Post=>array(foreignKey=>user&#95;...

Set php file permission on Shared server.

If you are getting an error of 404 not found/503 Internal server error on shared server, while you running any php project or any php file . Then reset permission of your php file to 644 . For testing create a index.php file and print '...

How to check if your device is connected to Internet

We need to check if device is connected to Internet on making every API call (or call to Remote server). The function below returns true if device is connected to Internet. //**This function tells whether the device having an Internet connec...

Resizing and Rotating UIImage

We often need to rotate or resize images in iPhone apps. Attached is a demo project that uses a handy category for doing the same. How to use : Add UIImage+Extension.h and UIImage+Extension.m to project. Import UIImage+Extension.h in re...

Some basic animation examples in iOS

Here are some basic animation examples like : Fade in/out, rotate, zoom etc. How to use : Add Animations.h and Animations.m files in your project. Import Animations.h class. Invoke required class method in this way : [Animations ...

Using Email or Username to login with auth in cakephp

We seldom need to login into application using Email or Username while using Auth with Cakephp. To achieve this we either need to write customized Auth component or we can achieve the same with the following code : public function validateUs...

How to register your app on facebook

Please follow these simple step to register your app on facebook Open Developer account from your Facebook. Select "Create App" you'll be directed to a page where number of options will be available at the top bar. One can reach there by j...

Fetch All Notifications

Snippet to fetch all local notifications of the app. One can customize any notification and cancel the same. UIApplication *app = [UIApplication sharedApplication]; NSArray *eventArray = [app scheduledLocalNotifications]; for (int ...

Handling of HTTP in Angular

<html ng-app="phonecatApp" ng-controller="PhoneListCtrl"> <head> <script src="lib/angular/angular.js"></script> <script src="js/controllers.js"></script> </head> <body > <...
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