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Screenshot plugin for Cordova/phoneGap apps.

Hello Readers, Screenshot plugin for Cordova/phonegap apps allows you to take screenshot of the current open screen and save it to phone storage.   First of all we need to install the following plugin through CLI: $ cordova plu...

Finding index value using AngularJs

Hii, To learn how to find index value from a given list of array element or to find the index value of filtered data using AngularJs. Go through examples given below. Example 1:In this example index value of the day selected from the drop ...

Saving Details With BelongsTo Associations in cakePHP 3

Hello Reader's , Hope your are doing good today. Today in my blog i am going to explain how you can save details with BelongsTo Associations in CakePHP 3. If you have multiple record for a single user, then you need to split your recor...

Differences between Require, Load, Include and Extend methods in ROR

Include: If your application has many classes that need the same code, then we can keep that reusable code in a module and include that module in class. When we Include a module into a class, it is like we are taking all the methods within the m...

What is favicon?

Favicon was first used in march 1999, when Microsoftft released Internet Explorer 5 that time it was used to make tabs a favorites (bookmarks). Favicon is a small square 16×16 pixels image, Basically It is used on tab at the web browsers...

Different border properties using CSS

We have used the different properties of the border like width, color etc. All the border properties are used in one time and in order: border-width, border-style and border-color.   Syntax of border:- border: bo...

How get camera make and model from Image using PHP?

Hello, Reader's if you are uploading images for website gallery and looking for extract the Camera make and model from it, Then  PHP offers you to do this via EXIF meta. Every original digital photo contains the detail of Camera ...

Database Access and ORM cakephp 3

The new version of cakephp comes with lots of new features and changes in it. Cakephp access the database with mainly two objects. First is table objects. Second is entities. Objects provide the access to the collection of data. En...

Creating file / writing in a file using command line interface

In this small blog we will learn how to create a file with different file extensions and how can we write some text or paragraph in the file? how to write content of one file to another file. We can also use cat command to append the binary data....

Scrolling webpage with Selenium Webdriver

Sometimes we face the problem of scrolling an element as per user view. JavaScript Executor is used in java code to scroll the page. There are some scenarios for which we have to perform scroll action: Sometimes we require to scroll t...

Describe Data type in PHP

Hello Reader's ,   Today in my blog i am going to Describe Data Type in PHP. Data Type is a very important part of any programming language. Let's start learning about Data Type What is Data Type? A data type identifie...

client side and sever side validation in cakephp

Data validation plays an important role in any application, It helps to confirm  that the data in a Model confirms to all the rules of any application.   There are 2 types of validation in cakephp. First one is server side and the...

Use of Redux with Angular1?

Help or Sample Code to Use redux with Angular 1 I have a situation where I have to use Redux with Angular1. Anyone, please help me and explain Redux with Angular1 by providing any sample code.

Discussion on upload File in PHP

Hi Reader's, Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss File upload in PHP. When developing a web application in PHP sometimes we need to upload images in our application. Basically, we can say that when a user goes for registrati...

Parameterized Junit

Suppose I have 3 test Cases I want to execute these test cases based on user choice. which test case user want to run only. so how to use parameterized junit for this.

How to check browser has enabled cookies?

Check cookies are enabled or disabled on the browser : In web applications sometimes we need to save some information on client side, to save data on client side the most popular option is cookies. But the user can enable or disable cookies o...

How to create a Garlic by using mesh tool in illustrator?

In this tutorial we'll learn how to make a garlic in illustrator.   Step 1: Open up a new document to draw the shape of garlic on the canvas. Filled with any color inside it.     Step 2: To make a garlic add ...

Discussion on paginator component in CakePHP 3

Welcome to Findnerd. Today we are going to discuss pagination in CakePHP 3. If you have hundreds of records in one page then you need to implement the pagination for better user experience. Pagination is a technique to divide the records in multi...

TextToSpeech API provided by Apple

Apple has provided a powerful api to play audio from text and here are the steps to achieve:   1-  Import AVFoundation framework   2- Initialise AVSpeechSynthesizer(as below) let synthesizer = AVSpeechSynthesizer() ...

Clear view or image with touch in iOS

Hi Readers, Paint related apps are usually used to clear content what have been drawn. One can achieve it by using Core Graphics framework provided by iOS. With touch delegate methods will be called so following code snippet will give prope...

Create symfony bundle using command line

Create new bundle using commands: Run the following command to create new bundle: # php app/console generate:bundle   Following are some options which need to fill after running the above command:   Welcome to the Sy...

Progress bar with Gradient effect using jQuery

Progress Bar :-  Progress bars demonstrate the fulfillment rate of an operation or procedure. It can be utilized to demonstrate a client that how far along he/she is in a procedure. Below is the HTML, CSS and Jquery task, which show...

What is difference between <button> and<input type=“button” /> ?

Hi all, I want to know what is the difference  between <button> and <input type=“button” /> ?  and  which one I should  use.

How to Right Click and Choose an Option Using Selenium WebDriver

Here, we discuss that how to right click on a link or button and choose any option from the list using Selenium WebDriver. In this, Actions Class helps to right click on any element.   Also, we need to import:   'import ...

How to use mocha for unit testing in node?

mocha is a javascript test framework. It works well for both node.js and browser. It makes asynchronous testing simple and easy. Mocha test run serially. mocha is open source. Installing mocha globally: npm install -g mocha With the ab...

What issue/bug trackers are the best according to you and why?

Hello friends, I am working on a project in PHP. So, want some information related to issue/bug trackers. Anyone know about Bug Trackers pleases help me which one should I prefer and why?

Start project with npm init - Node.js

NPM's init command will scaffold out a valid json file for you project. The commands for npm init are:- mkdir myapis cd myapis npm init --yes I have used --yes option with the above command, because I don't want to set author...

Learn how to copy text and paste to clipboard using javascript

Hii, To learn how we can copy text and paste to clipboard using very simple few lines of javascript code,Go through the given example below In this example execCommand() plays an important role in the following way: Step 1: I have a html tag...

Selenium Webdriver methods

To perform operation on web browser and with web element (Ex: URL, Title, buttons, links,check box, edit boxes, radio buttons etc) Webdriver provides many methods(Ex: URL, Title, buttons, links,check box, edit boxes, radio buttons etc).  ...

How to make div height 100%?

Hello Readers, Today will discuss the possible way to make div height 100% according to screen size. Let's see about the first method - So, below is the CSS code - html, body{ height: 100%; } .box{ height: 100%; ...

Create color picker using javascript without using any external link/library/plugin

Hii, In this blog i am sharing an example of creating a color picker using javascript without using any external link/library/plugin. There  are many browser's addons tools and online tools available using which we can choose ...

Explaination of HTTP Status Codes 5xx Server Error

Here we will learn about the server errors that are received by the client under different situations. The HTTP status or error codes which belong to 5xx series come frequently in the web browser. The status codes are returned by the web serve...

Rails 4 Strong parameter

Rails 4 has many new features, and Strong parameter is one of them. Strong parameter allows us to choose attributes that can be whitelisted for mass assignment. In rails 3 we were doing this by listing accessible attributes in the model. But in r...

CSS Radial gradient property

Hii,  This blog is continuation with my previous blogs in which i had discuss about type of css gradient properties, In this blog i am going to share how to use css radial gradient property in different ways. Go through the following exam...

Discuss on export MySQL Table Records into CSV file

Hi Reader's, Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss export MySQL Table Records into CSV file. If we are developing any web application in PHP then sometimes we need to export MySQL Table Records into CSV file. fputcsv() is a f...

Selenium WebDriver - Double Click On Button Using Actions Class

Here, we discuss that how to double click on a button in Selenium WebDriver. In this, Actions Class helps to double click on any element or button.   Also, we need to import:   'import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Ac...

Getting width and height of a div with the help of jQuery

If anyone want to get the width and height of a div then he/she can do this with the help of  jQuery width() or height() method. The width() method will find the width of that element which we want to find. It do not take the padding or m...

Display a list of all installed application in an android device

The PackageManager class is used to get the information of application packages that are currently installed on android device. You can get an instance of PackageManager class using getPackageManager().   Below example will show you ho...

Selenium Webdriver - Set browser width and height

Here, we discuss that how to resize the browser's width and height in Selenium WebDriver. It allows to resize and also maximize the window from its API. In this, Dimension Class helps to resize and declare the object by initializing the width...

Search records using angularJS with nodeJS

Welcome to Findnerd. Today we are going to build an application for searching the records. As we all know that we have written many blogs on angularJS as well as nodeJS. We want to recommend you to check these blogs for clear idea of these two fr...

How to create a login page with validation using angular js?

  In this blog, we illustrate how to create a login page with some validation using angular js. To validate a login form data we can use the following to trace the error: 1. $dirty:- It is used to check whether the value has bee...

Evaluate QA team Performance

We know that  performance of a developer is measured based on a number of defects detected in developed and quality of codes. but for tester or quality assurance team we will measure their efficiency and performance on the basis of following...

Ticker Example using Jquery

In this tutorial I am going to tell you how we can transform some explanation and available basic HTML into an attractive news ticker that fluently scrolls its contents. News tickers can be horizontal as well as vertical today I am going to creat...

Ionic2 and typescript - Plugin to return the information of the current app

Hello Readers, In today's post we will learn about to get app information using ionic2 and typescript. First of all we need to install plugin through CLI: $ ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-app-version   This plugin supports...

Use of dir attribute in Html

dir attribute: It is used to specify the direction of text in Html element content. In Html5 it can be used with any html element. Prior to Html5 it cannot be used with <base>, <br>, <frame>, <frameset>, <hr>, <...

How to fadeIn the selected cell of uicollection view in objective C

If we want to fadeIn the selected cell of collection view then use the following code- Sometimes we need to show the selected cell . For example - If we have list of songs and we want to display which song is currrently playing then FadeIn met...

Explaining HTTP Status Code 3xx Series

As know that all the web servers respond with HTTP status code in the first line of the response, which indicates the status of the server for the request from the client. HTTP 3xx series status codes indicate that for accessing a particular reso...

Staggered Grid Layout with RecyclerView android

This blog is about how to create StaggeredGridLayout with Recycler view in Android. Recyler View is advanced version of ListView/GridView. Here we start how to Create StaggeredGridLayout with  Recyler View. 1. Create Project. ...

Discussion on converting .DOCX file to .PDF file using LIBREOFFICE in cakephp

Hi Reader's, Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss converting ".DOCX" file to ".PDF" file using LIBREOFFICE in cakephp. If we are developing any web application in CakePHP then sometimes we need a file to ...

How to set minimun height and width of cropbox in Cropper Jquery Plugin

Setting minimun height and width of cropbox:- Hello Readers! In this blog I am going to explain you minheight and minwidth of a cropbox, which is used in the Cropper Jquery Plugin for selecting an image to crop, By default this Cropbox size...
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