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How to add value form account invoice line and store in customer form in Odoo-9?

In Odoo first install the accounting module and then if users want all customer related account invoice to be added only to the product price and the quantity of the product calculated and stored in the fields in res.partner, for this follow the ...

HTTP 404.2 Not Found Error Due to ISAPI & CGI Restriction list settings on the Server

HTTP Error 404.2 - Not Found, The page you are requesting cannot be served because of the ISAPI and CGI Restriction list settings on the Web server Sometimes, we get Error 404.2 which means that there is no mapping handler found for the reques...

Publishing ICalendar with Ruby on Rails

If your application has certain events(For example meeting etc), then you may need to integrate calendar application. Icalendar is a standard for calendar data exchange. Icalendar allows us to generate .ics files so that users can add events to...

7 Amazing Ways to Use Typography Effectively in Web Design

They say ‘First Impressions are the last impressions’. Whether you believe it or not, the font-faces and the typography create immense impact on the mood, user experience, readability, anticipated article length and much more. Typogra...

How to debug assembly using .Net reflector?

Hi Friends, Debugging precompiled assemblies into some meaningful and understandable code is not an easy task without proper tools. Visual Studio ships with a tool named "IL Disassembler" and it does the task for taking a look at the...

How to build Asp.Net website with multi-language?

While creating website in multi-language we have to first understand that what is Localization and Globalization  Localization-Localization is the process of designing web application in such a way such that it can display content in the ...

An Overview to HTML5 Attributes

Hello readers, Today we will discuss about the HTML5 Attributes. Basically attributes are used to define some additional information about the HTML elements. As there are various global and custom attributes used in HTML5. Features of HTML5 at...

Difference between $watch and $digest in angularjs

The angularjs $watch, $digest and $apply are essential parts. You must know the difference between them. Here we are going to discuss them. $watch(): In Angular, you often need to do data binding to modify data. When you do some data binding ...

Adding Card View Alternatively Within RecyclerView

In the below example code I have Created a RecyclerView. In RecyclerView I have  added CardView Item Alternatively like Chat app . First Item is on left, second is on Right. In Adapter class  I have used boolean type, variables(chang...

How to set UICollectionView right align?

Hi Readers, This blog will display the collection view content in Right To Left language such as Hebrew/ Arabic. Generally, you will see the collection view as displayed in the below screenshot. To set UICollectionView right align first...

How to extract audio from Video using iOS sdk

This is how we can extract the audio from Video : First import the video from libaray using imagePickerController delegates methods.  - (void)imagePickerController:(UIImagePickerController *)picker didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo:...

Apache HBase Installation in Standalone mode on Ubuntu

Hi there, Apache HBase can be installed in the following three modes : Standalone mode Pseudo Distributed mode Fully Distributed mode This blog is to setup HBase in standalone mode on your Ubuntu machine without any hassle. You ...

Different ways to include a php file into another PHP file

PHP provides different functions to include content of one php file into another file before execution of the file. There are following four methods which can be used to include files :   1. include 2. include_once 3. require ...

How to send email in

To send an email in c#, we will create an application in which user can login via gmail id and password and send the mails. Now Firstly we will understand what is required to create email application in c#. If we want to send the email in c# w...

Try block without catch and finally (Try with Resource)

 Try-with-Resource:- Hello Friends, before Java 7, we need to use Catch or finally block with the Try Block in Java.  But In Java 7, we use Try block with resource, through which we can use the Try Block without catch or finally block. ...

Which OS Data visualization software/reporting tool should i use?

I am working in a startup, I need to visualize my data using either a reporting tool or data visualization software (both open source). I need to integrate this tool with traffic data coming from google analytics, click-cost data from google adwo...

Get Set property in C#

Normally we can declare a datafield and assign value to that datafield, so why do we use GET and SET accessor to return or assign the value of datafield? Let us go through an example to understand GET and SET. A class Employee is having the priva...

Units in PIM

Hello Today's blog post describes about Units and their relevance in PIM desktop.   Units A unit system is used to manage all possible units required to specify a size. PIM Desktop is supplied with its own unit system, whic...

New Concept to Build HTML for big projects

We all know that for any web page or website, HTML is compulsory. HTML is the necessary platform to develop the website. Many times when I created HTML templates, I faced the issue to do the changes and had to do copy paste the changed content in...

File handling basics in Java

Hi there, This blog is to get you familiarize with Java file handling using package. Suppose you need to read the content of your file and need to do operation on that data, in that situation you can opt to use file handling to access ...

jQuery selectors

JQuery selector is a function which is used to locate elements in a web page. JQuery selector uses expressions to locate the web elements. Expression to find a particular element is written inside "$()". Mainly jQuery selector uses an...

MDM (Master data Management) vs PIM (Product Information Management)

Hello   Today we would be discussing about a very important aspect of MDM and PIM. This blog post point out variations between the two.   Various analysts reckon PIM as a fragment of MDM. For instance, MDM is defined as the ...

Few Problem Solving Tips

Project Management is a plethora of various activities, one of such activities is the problem solving skills and find means to resolve it. Here are few useful tips how you can resolve problems. Presence Of Mind : This is one of the impor...

Capybara Finders

Finders should be very powerful to locate elements on the webpage. Capybara provides a wide range of finders to locate the elements: find find_field find_link find_button find_by_id find_labeled Let's suppose we have the ...

Three Elements of Online Marketing

Marketing is the backbone of every small and big organization. Nowadays, big companies are investing and focusing more on marketing their products and services online. Without a strong marketing strategy, it's very hard for a company to susta...

How to resize and save image in Odoo-8?

In Odoo first create the modules and then create a new field that saves images. Now to upload them correctly in your database and to resize images automatically and store them in database you can use the below function or steps I have mentioned: ...

How to use number_format() function in PHP

Hi Readers, Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to use a number_format() function in PHP ? Basically, a number_format() function is used to format numbers with grouped thousands. This function is very easy to implement. ...

Adding/Removing input fields on button click

In this blog, we are adding input field by clicking on more button and removing input field by clicking on erase button. The procedure of doing this is very simple and easy. I have provided the code for doing this below . In below co...

How to get latitude and longitude of the user's position?

Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to get latitude and longitude of the user's position. If you want to get latitude and longitude of the user's position, then you should use getLocation() method. In a web applic...

What is method to compare two text strings in PHP

Hi Reader's, Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss What is method to compare two text strings in PHP There are two method to check two string In php. 1: "==" Operator 2- "strcasecmp() method"  ...

Different ways to split a string into array in PHP

PHP provides a lot of functions for manipulation of string and array. Many times we need to convert a string into an array to perform operations. This article demonstrate details of different functions which can be used to convert a string into a...

An Overview to HTML5 Elements

Hello readers, Today in this blog we will discuss about HTML5 various elements, its syntax and various tags that are used in it. Features included in HTML5 - The tag name remains uppercase. For attributes the quotes remains optional. ...

How to read XML file

1. XML stands for an Extensible Markup Language. 2. XML is used to store or transport the data. 3. XML stores the information inside the XML tags in an XML file.   We can read a XML file by using following ways: 1. XmlDataDocu...

How to pass an array to stored procedure

Stored procedure is used to store a SET of SQL statements in database as a compiled form which can be used by different programs. It performs a special task like inserting data into database, deleting records from database or updating an existing...

Difference between scope and namespace in Rails

As we know,Both scope and namespace have to do something with the config/routes.rb file  .Yes,in some way ,both are wrapper for our well-known resources method. First,understand the working of scope by examining how it generates paths.Consid...

ASP.NET : How to get connection string from Web.config?

 How to get connection string from Web.config? The information required for the communication between application and a particular database is provided by connection string. The connectionString is defined within connectionStrings element...

Java 8 Date Time Api

Date Time Api in Java 8: Java 8 introduce with new Date Time API. which is much simpler than the old date time api and reduce the overheads faces in the old api  some of the changes are describe below in new date time api. 1. LocalDate/Lo...

Braintree integration with Ruby on Rails

While working on an e-commerce project we need a secure payment system and Braintree framework is one of them. With Braintree, we can perform all types of credit card transactions and PayPal transactions. The first step is to crate account in s...

CSS Selector

Css Selector: To automate the application we first need to locate the web elements. CSS selector is used to locate the web elements. Web elements can be located on the basis of class, id, attributes, name. 1. Locating elements using class: To ...

How to encrypt password using SHA algorithm ?

Create a strong encrypted password in Java : In almost every application we need to create a strong encrypted password. There are many encryption algorithms to create password. It is good approach to have a strong salt and on the basis of that sa...

How to create a menu in Angular js with demo file

Hello readers here we will discuss about angular js menu with angular menu controller.  I have created a multi-level menu with a hide-away sub menu, comes from an external source. The sub menu will display when any user click over the menu. ...

An Overview to HTML5

What is HTML5? It is a Hyper Text Markup Language which is used for structuring and presenting content on Internet. It is the current version for HTML. Its previous version was HTML 4.01. It is the 5'th version of the HTML standar...

Binary serialization vs XML serialization in .net

There are many differences between  Binary serialization and XML serialization. Some of them are given below:   Binary serialization XML serialization  1. In Binary serialization, all members...

Apache Zookeeper installation in Ubuntu for Standalone mode

Hi there, This blog is to help you for Apache Zookeeper installation on your local Ubuntu machine. Apache Zookeeper is used to develop and maintain an open-source server which provides highly reliable distributed coordination.  ...

How to make Horizontal RecyclerView in android?

In the below example I have created a Horizontal RecyclerView. Here first I have added RecyclerView dependency to Grandle file. In second step I have added a RecyclerView and Set RecyclerView  gravity (center_horizontal). Now see In Main...

How to inherits views and replace any fields in views in Odoo?

In Odoo first, we create existing modules and then we inherits the views in modules. Like first, we install the accounting modules in database and then inherits the account modules. Object is the account.invoice in existing modules and if user wa...

Sharing Feature With Social Media in Rails App

Sharing Feature With Social Media in Rails App As we know these days almost all web applications provide us with the option to share anything on any social, media website so that our friends or other users on those social medias could watch...

Advantages of Linux over other Operating systems:

Linux OS  developed by Linus Torvalds in '91 is based on Unix OS . It's core functionalities have been greatly inspired and adopted from Unix but unlike Unix , Linux can also run on small devices with low hardware capacities, Linux i...

Create a database in Odoo from a php website

I want to create a database in my server Odoo from my website(php). Can you help me please.

Compressing Files And Archiving in Linux Terminal

Compressing Files And Archiving in Linux Terminal There are strong compression utilities in Linux that can be run easily from the command line. Linux features are archiving utility called tar, in which you can add many files, and the tar file ...
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