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How can LinkedIn Publisher assist in expanding Business?

I have an impressive LinkedIn profile with around 1200 followers. I like to understand how LinkedIn Publisher can be used for content syndication and other purposes for my Blogging and Internet Marketing business needs.

What is SASS ?

SASS (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheet) is a CSS pre-processor which helps to reduce repetition with CSS and saves time. It is more steady and intense CSS extension language that depicts style of document neatly and fundamentally. Reason ...

How to inflate two layouts in a single RecyclerView?

Sometimes we need to show the list with different views so for this we can inflate two layouts in RecyclerView. To know how it is achieved follow the steps mentioned below:-  Create two layouts xml files I have named them "program...

Simple SEO Guide: How to Keep Your Rankings After a Major Website Overhaul

Change is a wonderful thing. It’s demonstrative of one’s ability to grow and adapt when faced with new technology and changing needs. It may be time to launch some huge changes on your website, but don’t get too eager just yet. ...

async & await keyword in C#

async & await keyword in C#   Asynchronous programming can be performed in C# using async & await keyword. These keywords were introduced in C# 5. These keywords are to be used together i.e await keyword can only be used within...

Email Related Error Codes And Their Solutions

Business people, employees, organizations, hospitals, hotels, corporate sectors, offices, airports and many others use email accounts to operate their work smoothly and quickly. Emails are known as electronic mail which can travel miles and miles...

How to initiate Skype call through your android app

To initiate a skype call through your android app please add the code mentioned below :- The third line Uri skypeUri = Uri.parse("skype:" + number + "?call");  in the code below helps you to make call but  if you need vi...

ListView is not getting displayed on selecting an item from spinner. What to do?

I am creating two spinners: One for City and the other for Area in that particular city. As per the selection made by the user in the above spinners, a ListView will be displayed which will be different for different combinations of selections ma...

What Does It Take to Develop & Market an Instagram Clone?

Visual content is compelling and has become the most sought after content in the digitally dominated times. Instagram has a great followership, and the success of this social networking platform has given rise to the number of clones being develo...

What's the best resource and format for notification sounds in an app?

Hi all, I am working on notification sound in android can anyone suggest me the best resource and format for the same.

Usage of Lock statement in C#

Usage of Lock statement in C# Lock keyword in C# find it's usage in Threading. Whenever multiple threads try to access some code at same time inconsistency occurs then lock keyword is used which makes execution of only one thread  ...

Attachment Download Feature : Streaming huge(> 1 GB) data string from javascript to JSP

Hi All, Feature Goal : To send a huge(sized) string data from javascript side to JSP and download that data as an attachment to user's machine. Current behavior : We are sending limited sized data in post body (<= 25M...

What Is Osiris Virus & How to Deal with This Security Vulnerability

  The Osiris ransomware is a new, updated version of the Locky ransomware, which is even more dangerous than its predecessor.   It arrives on your computer together with spam messages that contain malicious attachments. Cyb...

Difference between Bootstrap 3 & Bootstrap 4

As we know,  Currently, Bootstrap 4 alpha was released. So, In today blog, I am going to tell you major changes and differences between Bootstrap 3 & Bootstrap 4. Here are the following differences:-  S No. Bootst...

Auto Generated Auto Incremented Alphanumeric Sequential Code in SQL SERVER

Create a table tbEmployeeMaster by following query :-   CREATE TABLE tbEmployeeMaster ( EmpId INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, EmpName VARCHAR(100), EmpCode VARCHAR(15) )  ...

How Ransomware Authors Use Psychology to Achieve Hacking Goals

  Ransomware is a type of cybercrime that is very much a psychological challenge. Psychology is involved in each and every aspect of ransomware attack, from the moment of infection and to the moment when people pay the ransom. &nbs...

What are some good Play Store alternatives to submit my App to?

Hello everyone, I want to know about some good alternatives where I can publish my app. I know about getjar and appbrain but I am interested in finding more.   Thanks in Advance

How to change checkbox icon

In certain cases, according to the application we need to change the mark or the drawable of the checkbox. Step 1:- Create selector in the  drawable, say checkbox_selector.xml :- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <sele...

Toggle method in jQuery

Today we are going to learn toggle method in jQuery with example. Toggle method() is used to hide and show the particular selected element. Syntax of toggle method() is:- $(selector).toggle(speed,easing,callback) ...

Introduction to bootstrap 4

In this blog, I'll tell you a brief description of Bootstrap 4. Currently, Bootstrap 4 alpha was released. This release included a major upgrade of Bootstrap with some huge changes to the way it functions. Porting from Bootstrap 3 to Bootstra...

Is it possible to make $1000 (or more) a month online?

I don’t want to work for as a regular employee for a company. However ‘Freelance’ options are always open. Besides freelancing, what other small business venture / ideas could pull a $1000 -  $1200 monthly income. I have a ...

How To Establish Connections In The Digital Age

  Did you know that according to the experts in the area, 90% of top performers also have high emotional intelligence?  In other words, people who succeed are those who are the best at building connections with others.   ...

How Graphic Recording Techniques Help You Understand Your Research

      The Power of Visuals Compels You … (to do what?)   The power of visuals is unquestionable: it’s apparent throughout our lives and yet we don’t even think about it. This is because ima...

Sending parameters using GET request RETROFIT

Sending the parameters in GET request is quite different you can't append dynamic query to the URL . Another way of using it. Using retrofit as follows: Map<String...

How to implement zip compression in .Net ?

Implementing zip compression in .Net   ZipFile class is provided by .Net framework for zip compression. This class provides static methods for creation, extraction, and opening of zip archives. The namespace required for zip&...

webui-popover plugin in jQuery

It is a plugin with jQuery which can be used to show popover . It can work with bootstrap but it can be used without bootstrap. It requires jquery1.7+ It supports browsers IE8+, Chrome, Safari, firefox, Opera. These are the features of this p...

Android Help

Hello Friends,I m developing an android app based on Gym Management System Well I have complete the CURD part coding now I only want attendance and fees remainder coding section please Help me out guys or guide me 

Types of triggers in SQL

In this blog we illustrate the types of a triggers in SQL. Triggers are those which executes automatically when some event arise with their related tables in database.   Triggers are divided into two types: 1. After Triggers (For...

How to share image with text on Facebook using intent filter in Android..?

Hello, I want to share the image and text on facebook using intent filter not with facebook sdk. Is there any way to do this..? Thanks in advance  

What's the difference, if any, between "Boost post" and "Create Ad" on Facebook?

I am running a company page on Facebook and I have already boosted many posts. I am also researching for how to create an ad campaign but I am a little confused between "Boosting a Post" and "Creating Ad Campaign". &nb...

Controlling Session Behavior in Asp.Net MVC

Controlling Session Behavior in Asp.Net MVC Sessions in Asp.Net MVC are used across requests for storing data. Asp.Net MVC manages sessions for all controllers in the application irrespective of the fact data values are stored in the session...

Need help making this code more easy to understand

Given are the following three functions on integers: f(x) = x2 g(x) = x + 1 h(x) = x  - 1 Implement these functions in C. Next, write a program that accepts on its input an integer n followed by a series of letters f, g, and h termin...

Accessing a Table from Xpath Locators or Making a Xpath Locators from a HTML code

For reading a table first we need to access elements within HTML tables. However, a web designer provides sometimes an Id or name attribute to a cell in the table. So we can't use the methods such as, or by.cssSelector(). So in t...

How to get difference between two or more arrays in PHP?

Hi everyone, I am a beginner and have been learning various programming languages like PHP, DotNet, Java etc. I faced an issue regarding php programming in which I wanted to learn how we can find out the difference between two or more arrays base...

Bootstrap Images

In this blog, I'll tell you how to style images whether its image with rounded corners, image with circular shape, image with thumbnail shape.  Rounded Corners :-  The  class .img-rounded is used to add&nbs...


ASP.NET MVC Filters   ASP.NET MVC provide filters to execute code logic before and after controller action execution. Pre-action and post-action behaviour are added to controller action method by filters. Custom filters creation depend...

7 Tips on Staying Lean Throughout the Startup Phase

  When you first get that venture capital firm to sign on, you’re on cloud nine. Then, just as quickly, reality sets in. You have money—but how do you use it? How do you allocate the capital you have to create a successful...

How to use webui-popover with dynamically generated table (JQuery)

I have a table outputting some results to the screen in tabular form. For each table row, I have a column with an icon (more). What I want to achieve is that for each icon, on click, it shows a pop-over, similar to what Tidal does. But so far, it...

7 Social Media Tools for Content Marketing Development

  Content marketing is an online promotion strategy that's extremely popular in today's online business. Marketers choose this approach because of its amazing benefits. With content marketing, you're basically marketing yo...

Remote Validation in ASP.NET MVC

Remote Validation in ASP.NET MVC   The process of validating specific data field by posting it to server without posting the entire form is remote validation. For e.g : There is a unique field in the database table,it's uniquene...

Difference between LINQ and Stored procedure

 LINQ and Stored procedure   LINQ provides a query syntax used for querying different data sources like SQL server, Oracle, Collections etc. Type checking is done at compile time in LINQ. DOT NET framework languages like C# a...

What is The Difference Between SEO and SEM?

As far as I'm concerned, It is pretty true that SEO is a part of SEM. But some people have their different opinion on this concept and they think these two are different terms.   Can anyone make me understand are these two terms SE...

Deferred vs Immediate Query Execution in LINQ

Deferred vs Immediate Query Execution in LINQ   There are two execution behaviours in LINQ namely Deferred and Immediate.   Deferred Execution : In this type query execution does not take place at time of declaration ra...

Create a Radar view in android

Hello All, Looking to create a view like radar in android. Step 1:- Find the java file along this blog and add it to your project. Step 2: In your xml use this class to create view. <com.example.RadarView android:id="@+i...

Access all links simultaneously and checks whether links are working or not present within the Web page

Dear user, In the last blog, I wrote about how to access links using exact match and partial match in a web page through selenium web driver. Now in this blog, I will guide you about how to access all links present with-in the page are work...

Understanding Single, SingleOrDefault, First and FirstOrDefault

There are element operators provided by LINQ which are capable of returning single or specific element from a collection. These element operators can be defined as follows :-   Single : This element operator is capable of returning ...

Token Based Authentication using Postman as Client and Web API 2 as Server

When we are going to develop a web application which contains restricted resources then we have major issue related to authentication and authorization for accessing those restricted resources.  We all know the concept of cookie based authen...

Entrepreneurship: 07 Battle / Survival Lessons Every Business Startup Needs

A former Microsoft CTO and a co-founder of an intellectual property licensing firm Nathan Myhrvold has once said: ‘Business is war! Its leaders are strategic commanders, who boldly snatch victory from the jaws of defeat - and who perform...

How to create Contextual action mode over toolbar using recycler view in android?

While creating list on a recycler view we need more functionality like delete, copy and more. Like our popular apps what's app, gmail and hike we found toolbar in action mode if we long press list items on that, same UI with functionality we ...

How to access Links and tables using partial match in selenium web driver

Dear user, In the last blog, I had explained, how we can access link using exact match, and now in this blog, I will guide you about how to access link using partial match in selenium web driver.   Partial Match: We access links ...
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