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Quartz +Spring Integration

It seems today every application needs background jobs, here we are going to learn how to integrate Quartz Scheduler with Spring. Version we are using Spring 3.x Quartz 1.8.6 Maven 3 we have to follow few steps for configure qua...

How to get sorted NSArray of date for NSDictionary.

With the help of following code you can sort the given dictionary containing key as Date. @implementation NSMutableDictionary (SortingNSMutableDictionary) -(NSArray *)getAllSortedKeys{ NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithA...

Unexpected bheaviour of in_array in PHP

We have an associative array where its values are all Boolean and if we search for a string, we got true. Lets see an example. <?php $array = array( 'count' => 1, 'references' => 0, 'ghosts' => 1 ); var&#95;dump...

How to rotate and zoom a view using UIGestureRecognizer

Rotating and zooming a view is a pretty simple task. This blog shows how rotate and zoom a view by implementing UIPinchGestureRecognizer and UIRotateGestureRecognizer. 1. Add pinch and rotate gesture recognizers to the target view. (Gesture ...

How to save a class on Parse

Hi guys , Here is a quick help of saving a class on parse cloud. Download Parse FrameWork. Import it. ParseSave.m NSMutableDictionary *dict=[[NSMutableDictionary alloc]initWithObjectsAndKeys:[data objectForKey:@"Id"],@"Id",[da...

How to drag(pan) a view on iPhone screen using UIPanGestureRecognizer

To drag a view we can either use the touch methods of UIViewController or we can use UIPanGestureRecognizer. UIPanGestureRecognizer is much easier and simple to implement. This blog explains how to use it. Add pan gesture to the view (or any...

Types of Mask in Photoshop (part 3)

Hey guys, Welcome back to "Part 3 - Types on Mask in Photoshop". OK Let's get started. Question 1: what is Vector Mask? Vector means a path or shape which will not lose the quality if we increase or decrease its size. The vector Shapes...

Update cart quantity not working in magento

Issue to update shopping cart quantity in magento - To solve the issue go to your theme's cart.phtml file find the form tag then add <?php echo $this->getBlockHtml(\'formkey\') ?> after start form tag like...

How to filter an array

Sometimes we might need to filter a list of records. For instance : We have an array of employees and we want to get all employees who live in the city Dehradun. Here is the structure of Employee class : @interface Employee : NSObject @p...

How to check the Network availability for 3G and 4G connection

Following code will help in you to check the network availability for 3G and 4G connection const char *host&#95;name = ""; BOOL _isDataSourceAvailable = NO; Boolean success; //Creates a reachability reference to ...

Laravel Framework

Recently Laravel framework has been launched in the market as I am not familiar with it, because still I have not worked on this framework but it seems to be one of the best MVC framework, below link provides you an average of mostly used/popular...

How to Create Line Items in DFP

Hello all, Below is the process to create Line Items in DPP (Double Click for Publishers), To create a line item first you need to create an order if the order is already created then you don't need to do that, else every time whenever you hav...

Getting location from latitude and longitude

If we have latitude and longitude with us and we need to get location name out of that from google api then we need to do the following code; public function findlocation($lat,$long){ $url&#95;data = '

Passing extra data with push notification

Sometime we do need to send additional data while sending Push-notification on iPhone , this can be easily achieved by adding following line to your code. But one should keep in mind that apple does have a limitation of 144 character while sendin...

How to create dynamic UITableViewCell for Chat

Following code will help you to create dynamic UITableViewCell w.r.t to its content of message. -(void)setChatData:(ChatMessage *)messageObj memberDict:(NSDictionary *)memberDict isCurrentUser:(BOOL)isCurrentUser{ NSDictionary *user...

Why eBooks Are Changing Reader's View?

An electronic book is commonly known as eBook or Digital Book. Printed books are always been familiar to all the people from a very long time, as everyone from his/her childhood to older ages are involved in reading books whether it is related to...

Full Text Search

Full Text Search is a way to provide faster search on your website. Suppose you creating a website for a newspaper where lots of article written on various subject and now you want to fetch all news related to word Modi. Full text search is ideal...

Types of Mask in Photoshop (part 2)

Hey guys, Welcome back to "Part 2 - Types on Mask in Photoshop". OK Let's get started. Question 1: How to Apply Layer Mask? Well, It is simple. I have an Image on layer 1 and on the next layer i have written my name "ABHISHEK". I wan...

Types of Mask in Photoshop (part 1)

Hello Friends !! If you are familiar with Photoshop then it is well and good. If you are a fresher then don't worry, Today i gonna tell you about Mask and types of Mask. Ok now the question arise "What is Mask??" Question 1: What is Mask? ...

Import Phonebook contacts in Objective C

Get the complete list of phonebook contacts inside the app. We need to add two frameworks before proceed. Goo to Build Phase and Add these two:- #import < AddressBook/AddressBook.h> #import < AddressBookUI/AddressBookUI.h> ...

Create and Import a List In MailChimp

How To Create & Import a List In MailChimp? You can create as many lists as required in your MailChimp account, but if you're looking to target specific audiences depends on your company business, It would be best if you manage one list. ...

Read/Write able paths on Unity iOS and Android

Read/Write able paths on Unity iOS and Android Most of the users are always worried about the path on which they can write data at runtime. Sometimes we need to save screen shorts, or text files in our game or app. So there I am going to g...

Open multiple skype account in Ubuntu 13.19

Hi All, I was searching for multiple skype window in linux (Ubuntu 13.10) and found lot of options but they are quite complicated for beginners. I found a post and found a simple and working option: 1: Open run window (Alt+ F2 or direct cli...

MailChimp (Email Marketing Service Provider)

MailChimp (Email marketing service provider) MailChimp is an email marketing service provider, founded in 2001 or we can say that its is a web-based email marketing service which helps us to design email newsletters, share them on social netwo...

How to Increase the quality of an Image

BEFORE AFTER Hello Friends, In this blog i want to show you, how you can increase your Image quality with minimum Efforts. ok so lets get started !!! Steps Open an image which you want to enhance. Now make a copy of that...

Clean Up In Illustrator

Clean up option,as the name suggests,is used to Clean up the files by Removing Unwanted points,Empty text paths or objects from the file. It is one of the Illustrator's powerful option,which can save a lot of time &manual work efforts. When...

Color range: Selection Command

Color Range: Selection Command In Photoshop we often use several methods for selecting a particular portion of the layer or image. Color range is one such method through which we can select a specific portion of an image. It is quiet good w...

Inverse Mask

Sometime we need to use an inverse mask in flash ( like a normal mask but it was just inverse ) Here's an example of an inverse mask, We can achieve that using Blendmodes. We will use ERASE blendmode to get a nice inverse mask effect. But th...

Dynamic horizontal scroller

Hello All, The following code will help you to make dynamic horizontal scroller. This means that on adding content or images the width of the container automatically increases using jquery. If anyone wants to make horizontal scroller which is i...

Break up database for a financial year in OpenERP

Create backup for the database first. Restore again in a new database, with whatever name or with new financial year succeeding the name. Now perform the following tasks: delete all the sales order from the sale_order table. ...

add 'in stock' filter in product collection in magento

Add 'in stock' filter in product collection in magento To get product that is in stock apply the below filter to your product collection - $productDetails = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($cat_id)->getProductCollection()...

Another mysql daemon is already running with the same unix socket

Another mysql daemon is already running with the same unix socket You got the above message from server, when are trying to restart the MySql from command promt. SO, to avoid the above error and start the MySql follow the below steps - 1 -...

DoubleClick for Publishers

Types of line Items in DFP: Sponsorship: A sponsorship line item is high priority line item sold on the basis of (CPM) Cost Per Thousand/Mile impressions, (CPC) Cost Per Click and (CPD) Cost Per Day. These line items are always goal based an...

Renaming a database in PostgreSQL

For renaming a database in pgAdmin: Go to pgadmin and select 'postgres' database and click on the query tool; run the query: ALTER DATABASE old_dbname RENAME TO new_dbname Example: ALTER DATABASE test_ky RENAME TO kwality(14-15)

Password hasing in CakePHP

CakePHP uses a Security class for hashing the passwords. I am writing some examples below that will definitely help you out in understanding the different ways of password hashing in CakePHP: echo "I am md5 CAKE:".Security::hash("dinesh","md5...

Making 'sales' module load quicker

A company which is using OpenERP for their sales operations may face the problem of loading sales module quite slow. It can be difficult to handle a situation where there can be many sales counters, the customer and salesman waiting for more than...

How to connect to your MySQL database from a PHP Script

Create simple Mysql connection with the help of PHP code <?php $hostname = 'localhost'; //define the hostname here $username = 'root'; //define the username here $password = ' '; ...

How to add Twitter account in your iPhone

The following code will help you to create your twitter account in your iPhone through coding. Also please note this code will only run in ios7 or later. -(void)createTwitterAccount{ ACAccountStore *store = [[ACAccountStore alloc]init]...

How to export PSD layers to separate files

Hi Guys, This is a simple tip related to the Photoshop scripting power which can help you in many situations to complete your task faster and smartly. I am going to tell you how to export several layers of a PSD document to the respective s...

Find controls of master page on child page

We can easily fetch controls of master page on child page. Consider the following example:- In online shopping site you need to add or remove items which shows on master page based on added items in cart page (Cart page is a child page). ...

Problem with password encryption when moving from core php to cakePHP

Hi all, I had a requirement to move a project from core php to cakePHP framework. Migrating code was clear as I had to just modify syntax of code-base. But the problem came, when I had to implement login authentication with username and passwo...

Smoke Font Animation

Hello Friends, The following codes below is an animation effect of css3 by implementing this code the fonts will comes in smoke style. HTML <h1><span>C</span><span>S</span><span>S</span><span&g...

Levels in photoshop: Removing color cast

Levels in photshop: Removing the color cast Within photographs or in film sometimes we gets a color cast effect which departs the image from being Natural. Color cast is nothing but a tint of specific color over the image making it look like a...

Rigid Body in Maya - Dynamics

Hey Guys , In the following tutorial , I am gonna try something fun , i will try to animate a classic leg spin delivery that bowlers bowl in the game of Cricket , using Rigid Body solver of Maya . Before we get our hands dirty in Maya , ...

How to make use of corcdoc API

Below is a sample code base to convert PDF files to HTML5 template making use of well known tool Crocdoc : $_product = $observer->getProduct(); $productid=$_product->getId(); $read = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')...

Marshalling and Unmarshalling in Java

JAXB is Java Architecture for XML Binding which allows to map Java objects to XML and XML to Java objects. Marshalling example : Converting a Java object into a XML file. import; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext...

Print multiple copies of an OpenERP OpenOffice report

Sometimes we require to print more than one copies of any report for example an invoice which may have two or three copies, one for customer, one for salesman and one for Accounts department or a payment voucher to be printed twice. I got the...

Password Recovery in OpenERP

Can't log in? Forgot Password? Many users and many passwords? All these questions are very common in daily operations of your OpenERP. If you are admin then you have all the access to change or recover passwords for other users as well. Thi...

Backup and Restore Database Using OpenERP

The easiest solution to create backup and restoring you database in OpenERP is itself provided by OpenERP. To create backup and restore for your OpenERP database, you have two options: 1.) PostgreSQL 2.) OpenERP. The first one is simple and ...

Clean ugly HTML

CakePHP do help us a lot with its own 'Form' and 'HTML' helpers but it often outputs some very ugly and hard to read HTML. This little trick will make it a lot cleaner. Create a file named app_helper.php in your app's root directory. Ne...
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