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How to Pass Message in Unity3D b/w LAN Server Only & LAN Client on Different Scenes

Hi, I want to pass message back and forth on client and server which are on different scenes, how can I do that in Unity?**   Following is my Scenario:- I have 5 scenes-     1. BaseScene (2) OfflineScene (3) O...

Integrate 360 Degree Video in Unity for Better VR Experience - 3 Easy Steps

360 video are also known as spherical video which records a view in every direction at same time. Unlike normal video 360 video gives you complete 360- angle view. While watching these video you can control viewing direction. These are recorded b...

Delegates in Unity

DELEGATES IN UNITY: A delegate is a reference pointer to a method. When it is called, it gives notification to all methods that reference the delegate. It allows us to treat a method as a variable and pass method as a variable for a callback. ...

Unity3D Developer Required for Sport PC Game

Two teams of three players square off in a simple arena in which each team has a goal. The object is to take the flag in the middle of the court and put it in the other team’s goal zone.   Scoring a goal earns one point and en...

Feed Share in Unity

Hello Readers !!   Today I am going to explain about the Feed Sharing on Facebook with Unity. Feed Sharing is the simplest way to implement the Facebook Share with any App. With this feature, you no need to Implement the Facebook Lo...

Smart Fox Server With Unity3D

Hello Readers !!   Today we are going to discuss the Smart Fox Server in Unity 3D. We all need to put any server in the game if we are trying to create a Multiplayer game so that we can connect two real players together. Sma...

Share Screenshot On FaceBook

Hello Readers !!   Today we are going to discuss a very interesting topic. Yes, i.e. Facebook Sharing to get more users for our apps or games. If you don't know about how to create FaceBook app then please read my following Blog...

VR in Unity3D

Hello Readers !!   Today we are going to discuss the most new topic i.e VR. VR is known as Virtual Reality. It quite interesting and simple thing. You must have seen VR box below:- If you want to create your game for this ext...

Create Facebook App for Unity3D to Share, Invite & Login in Unity Game

Hello Readers !!   Today I am going to explain basics steps to create a Facebook App so that you can use Share, Invite and Login in Unity game.   First create a Facebook App. Once you will login on https://developers.fa...

Buoyancy:- Bouncy Factor In 2D Games

Hello Readers !!   Today we are going to discuss about the bouncy effect  in the games. You must have seen water in many 2D games. And once you throw any object on that water layer it shows bouncy effect which looks very nice. ...

Unity: Movie Texture

Hello, Readers !! Today we are going to discuss the video part in the Unity Games. What if you want to play and video in the Unity Game. How will you do this? For this only I am going to explain you about the Movie Textures.   Mo...

Location Services in Unity3D

Hello Guys,   Today I am going to share a very interesting topic with you. We all use this in our normal daily life, But at that time non of us try to know how we can do this. How I will check this. How I come to know about this. ...

Merge AndroidManifest Files in Unity3D

Hello Readers !!   Today we are going to discuss a very interesting point regarding the Android Port. We can build simple games without any third party plugins. But if you are using third party plugins then every plugin comes with h...

Facebook Integration With Unity3D

Hello Readers !! Today we are going to discuss the Facebook integration in the Unity Apps/Games. Facebook integration is very common things in today apps. Now each and every app has Facebook section in it. So for the success of App now it...

In App Purchase with Unity3D

Hello Readers !!   Today we are going to discuss the IAP in the Unity3D. We can do IAP by number of plugins. There are variety of plugins available in the market which we can use for the IAP. But almost all of the plugins are p...

AdMob Integration With Unity3D

Hello Readers!!   Today we are going to discuss about the AdMob SDK intergration with Unity3D. Its very easy and straight forward. You can download the latest AdMob plugin from here :-

Unity Services

Hello Readers !!   Today we are going to discuss about the Unity Services. What all services unity provides and how we can use them in our game or apps. Below is the main services which unity provides.   Lets discuss ...

Monetization Methods in Unity Games

Hello Readers!!   Today we are going to discuss about the Monetization. Through unity apps you can earn money too,But this can only be done if you are using some Monetization in your game. Its takes less memory and allow developer...

Performance Of Unity Game

Hello Readers !!   Today we are going to discuss about the performance of Unity3D game. Here are some points which can increase the performance of game. Sprite Quality:- Sprites are the main things which we use in our gam...

Get Users For Unity Game

Hello Readers !!   In this blog we are going to discuss about to get users for our games and engagement of those users in the game. This is very major part for all of the developers. Developing game is not a challenge, But getting u...

Monetization in Unity Games

Hello Readers !!   Today we are going to discuss the very important part of our game i.e. Monetization. We create games to earn some money and this can be done only by selling the game or by adding some sort of monetization in the g...

Performance Issue with Unity Game

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Different ways to increase the performance of Unity game.

  Hello Readers !! Today we are going to discuss about the performance issue with unity. Unity always has issue with game optimizations and performance, because if you are targeting small mobile devices like Android and iOS...

Profiler In Unity3D

Hello Readers !! Hope you are enjoying coding. Today We are going to discuss about the Profiling in the Unity 3D. Almost all of us had issue regarding the game performance and memory issues. This is the general issue if you are using the...

Particle System In Unity3D

Hello Readers !!   We love to play good games. Its nice to see there effects and animations. Game play is just use to engage the player but effects and animations is always a WOW factor for the game.   We can create dif...

Unity 5.5 Beta

Hello Readers !! Here are good news for all,   Unity has launched its new version with new features and effects.   Now Unity has focused on the following points:- Line Rendering:- Unity has improved the Line rendering ...

Scroll Bar in Unity

Scroll Bar Scrolls are very common in every language. Generally, the scroll is divided up into pages, which are infrequently distinct sheets of papyrus or parchment glued with each other at the edges, or may be marked divisions of a continuous...

Advantages of Unity

Advantages of Unity Unity 3D is one of the most powerful and versatile game development tools available. It can be used to develop 2D and 3D games and also allows the games to be ported and played in different environments. Unity provides supp...

Spherical Raycast Unity

Hello Readers !! Today I will explain you very important concept of gaming. We all need to check objects in terms of Enemies, Players, Obstetrical, Walls many other things in the game. We can do this by putting Colliders also. But we als...

Reduce APK Size

Hello Readers !!   Today I will explain to you how you can reduce the size of the APK file. We need to take care following points when we create a build so that APK size should be small.   Device Filter:- This is a ver...

XML Parsing

Hello Readers !!   Here is the second method to read the XML file. using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Xml; using System.Collections.Generic; public class XMLParsing : MonoBehaviour { public Text...

XML Parsing in Unity

Hello Readers   Today I am going to explain you parsing of XML in unity. XML can be parse in unity by two ways. 1.       By Class method. 2.       By Normal method. &...

TPS Camera with Wall Collisions in Unity

Hi Nerds, Here is the tutorial for creating a third person camera with dynamic wall collisions in Unity. Demo: Doc:!AvAlkrGEujhegijtt9rN5vqZys_u Project:

Random movement of a sprite in 2D

When we develop a game sometimes we need gameobject move randomly without any user input. In this script a sprite randomly move in 2D and also rotate in moving direction. using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class move : M...

Unity 3D: Idle check direction

Basically I have created a 2d rpg click to move game on unity. My problem is that my player isn't facing the right direction once it has reached it's position, for example please take a look at this video: Unity problem 2 - YouTube[^...

Camera Projections in Unity

The camera view can be either set to perspective or orthographic. You can change this by going to the camera settings as shown in the image below :-   1. Perspective Camera : In this the closest things seems bigger. In gaming it r...

How can the gameobjects in unity be moved back and forth linearly

If you want to move gameobjects back and forth in unity than you can do this by using a function  Mathf.PingPong. This function takes two float values we can say 'q' and 'length'. It will ping-pong the value 'q' so t...

Rendering Modes of Canvas

Canvas is a game object where all the UI elements are children of it. It has a canvas component attached to it.  All UI elements can only be visible inside a canvas. If you directly create an Image then Canvas will be created automatically w...

How do I stop the flickering that occurs when the character stops moving?

I followed this tutorial on youtube: Unity3D. Top-down 8 directions movement - YouTube[^]. It took me a while but I've almost converted from movement by arrows to mouse touch . but now I have this problem, there's flickering that occ...

Difference between Start() and Awake() in Unity3d

Here is an small intro of unity initialisation function name start and Awake. Start Start function is called only if the script component is enabled. Start and Awake both are only called once in a lifetime. Start function is called up aft...

OnTriggerEnter in unity

OnTriggerEnter Hello Find Nerd Readers, While making even the simplest game you have to use triggers and collisions. In this blog we are targeting Triggers. Q1: What are Triggers? Ans: Triggers in Unity are Collider w...

Error while building Unity3D Android Game := Plugins colliding with each other

when I build the game in Unity3D , it makes error :"plugins colliding with each other" I am using Facebook SDK and SDK Found plugins with same names and architectures, Assets/Plugins/Android/libs/android-support-v4.jar...

How to get mouse swipe input in Unity 3D?

Moving objects on Mouse swipe is a very interesting way of getting user input , it is very different from traditional approach of getting input from keyboard keys . It provids user with unique experience and makes user part of the game. Belo...

How can I get a decimal number in text field?

Currently I am using this code: InputAmount = System.Int32.Parse(GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Amount")[0].GetComponent().text); Declare with float but how can I get a decimal number from the text field? Because I am doing a calculator...

Moving objects by changing its Transform

Transform are used for storing and manipulating objects Position , Rotation and Scale or Size . In this blog we will use transform to move an object.Moving an object by changing its transform does not require a Rigidbody, that way its hard to...


Hi all im working on a game 2d , i want to make a space game on 2d and i all most did it but the problem is on axis it wont work :( so i need help here is my script in C# public float speed = 10; void Update() { float transl...

waitforseconds() method not work not working

I wrote my codes right and based on the codes in (Unity docs) but still not working , not waiting , any help ! IEnumerator wait(float waitTime) { Debug.Log("Wait"); // write this successfully yield return new WaitForSecon...

rotate gameObjects around another gameObject

I have 19 circles in a big circle , I need to write this algorithm "in case of clicking on a centralized circle (the around circles rotate around it)" not only rotating (about the around circles - the circle should equal/assigned to it`s fo...

assigning image to a sprite renderer

I want to assign image to a sprite renderer but its not single image , its one from the cut images using sprite editor

add team and charcater select to multiplayer Game using "MultiLan V3.0"

I am trying to develop multiplayer games with Unity3D and I use a plugin "MultiLAN V0.3" and I must add the functionality of the team and the character choose for my study project and I am very a hurry by time, I would be very grateful f...
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