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How to catches all keyboard events in OpenERP(Odoo)

In OpenERP first create custom module and inherits the Scanner object in your own module and pass all the barcode fields and map it to the object. Then this barcode will start a loop that catches all keyboard events in Odoo. And by using the ...

How to create a contact form using contact form 7 plugin in WordPress?

This aide is a prologue to the Contact Form 7 module for WordPress. Fundamental information of WordPress organization is required. With different illustrations, this instructional exercise discloses how to show a structure on your page, and how t...

How to find number of days between two dates

Below code is used to find number of days between two dates NSDateFormatter *startDateformatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc]init]; [startDateformatter setDateFormat:@"dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"];//setting date formate NSDate *start...

How to find unix timestamp in PHP?

Hi Reader's, Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to find Unix timestamp in PHP? If you want to get current Unix timestamp then you should use getTimestamp() function which returns Unix timestamp that represents the date...

Magento get method which loads Model, Block and Helper.

In magento the functions that is mostly responsible for the things to be done are get and set methods, which are actually same as getter and setter methods. With the help of the get method we can actually call any model, block or helper. &nbs...

How to call product form to using of button in purchase module in OpenERP(Odoo-8)?

In OpenERP first, create your custom module and inherits the purchase module object like purchase.order object in your own module. Than add button in the purchase form. Follow these step given below Step1- First create module and than file ...

HTML5 - Web Storage

Following are the drawbacks of HTTP session cookies, for storing structured data on the client side :- 1. Cookies are incorporated with each HTTP request, subsequently slowing down your web application by transmitting the same i...

How to play sounds in your phonegap application

Cordova provides a plugin to play sounds in your mobile application. It can record an audio file and also play back audio file on the device. Installing the plugin:   cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-media It has a Media constru...

Custom checkbox using CSS

Here  is the CSS for custom checkbox. We can add our own properties in the check box. HTML- <div class="radio_input"> <input type='radio' id='r1'name='radios' checked='true'/> <label for='r1'><span></sp...

Concept of multiplexing

Welcome to Findnerd. Today we are going to discuss the concept of multiplexing in networking. Please have a look. Multiplexing Multiplexing is nothing but a process or a way to transmit the two or more signals over a communication channel a...

How to customize contact form 7 in wordpress

Hello Friends, Contact Form 7 is very good plugin to implement Contact Us page. If you are using Contact Form7 and want to make changes as per client requirement like add some more attributes(City, State, Country, Phone number) on contact us p...

Finding a Substring in a String

 Hello reader's in this blog we will discuss finding the substring in a string. When you want to find out a particular series of character in a string we use indexOf method to find out our character. The indexOf() method will find out...

How to create a Installer Script to perform operation on database in magento ?

In magento sometimes we need to add fields to the existing table or create a new table for our module, for this purpose we are required to write the installer script instead or performing the operation directly on database.   Lets see ...

Concept of switching

Welcome to FindNerd. Today we are going to discuss the switching concept and its types in networking. My aim is to describe the concept of networking so we are going to start with switching. Please have a look. Switching Switching is a t...

Redirect Back To Same URL after Login through Devise in Rails

In almost every web application there are certain things which a user is allowed to do only after he or she is logged  in into the website. If user  trying to access some page or some URL where he/she can get access only after logging i...

Integrating Comparable charts in Rails Application

The best way of representing a data set for analysis is using charts. So if you are developing a rails application and you want to show the analytics as charts in the dashboard, there are multiple gems available in the rubygems community. Here I ...

Different ways to sort an array in PHP

PHP has a huge collection of predefined functions. This article demonstrates details about some functions which are used to sort an indexed and associative arrays on the basis of keys, values and by using the natural order algorithm. The list and...

Callback in node.js

A callback is a function which is highly used in node js. When we want to run any task after the success or completion of a given task then we will use a callback. We will write maximum API in such a way that they will support callback. I will...

Intent and its type in android.

Intent:- Intent is a message object that passed between android components such as broadcast receiver, services, activity, content providers etc. Android provide facilities to communicate between components using intent in several ways, there are...

figure tag

Figure tag depicts  unit of content such as diagrams,images Photos etc on a web page. Though img tag is already available in html but figure tag is included in html5 to handle various images,diagrams , photos etc with some embedded content. ...

Kaminari gem implementation in Rails

Kaminari is a very popular pagination gem for Rials . It's a Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, customizable and sophisticated paginator gem which uses scopes to flow nicely with Active Record queries. Features of Kaminari: &nb...

Creating Menus in wordpress

We can create and use menus in wordpress by simply following below steps. Step 1:- first we have do put our credential and get login to our wordpress dashboard. Step 2:- then we have to select menu option from the   'Appearanc...

Bitmask Attributes in Rails

Sometimes we need to store several booleans to determine a user's settings.Bitmask is a good solution for that.Bitmask use a single integer where each bit represents one such boolean. For example user has many roles.One solution would be cre...

Merging Panda Dataframes

I have two dataframes. One is user(UserID, Name) and other one is rating (srcUserId, dstUserId, RatingValue). I have to merge these two dataframes such that in place of srcUserId I get the name of the user corresponding to userid from user d...

How to call static block in magento ?

Hello Readers, Before i tell you how to call static block in magento. Lets understand the term "static block" & How to Create It..? Static blocks : Sometimes we are required to add some custom data or images (like banners) in th...

How to create category attributes ?

In magento sometimes we are required to create category attributes programmatically in admin panel.  Lets see how we can do it: 1. Create a module with namespace and modulename. 2. Then Create a file config.xml in etc folder in our module...

How to create a wordpress custom widget?

WordPress widget is a simple approach to include substance and particular elements into your site. You simply need to move and customize the gadget into any widgetized territory like sidebar, footer or header of your site and begin utilizing i...

How to set the default begin date in OpenERP(Odoo)?

In below example I have written Python script to Include the default begin date in OpenERP.  You can directly use the below sales module in your addons and run in Odoo server.   from openerp.osv import fields, osv from open...

How to get products list from the orders of the logged in customer?

In magento if we need to get the list of products of orders of the current logged in customer.  To do so lets see how we can do it: first of all we need to get the logged in user id from the session for the same write the ...

How to find the number of days between given two dates in php?

Hi Readers,  Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to find the number of days between given two dates in PHP?  If you want to calculate the difference between two dates then you should use date_diff() function for f...

Cordova / Phonegap YouTube Android Player API plugin

Hello Readers, This post is about YouTube Android player API plugin Which allows play videos in YouTube native player. First of all, we need to register our Cordova Android apps in Google Developers Console and then enable the YouTube API. ...

Wordpress function the_widget()

Welcome to Findnerd. Today we are going to discuss one of the wordPress function of widget api, the_widget(). Basically wordPress widget is nothing but a PHP object. Whenever widget() function is called,  data displays on the page. If you wo...

Queue Functionality In jQuery animate()

If we want to create custom animation than for this purpose jquery animation is used. jquery animation method syntax is below:- Syntax :- $(part to be selected).animate({parameters},speed,callback);   Queue functionality of ...

How to check access and use superuser in OpenERP(Odoo)?

Step-1 Install sales module. Step-2 After that sales module. In below example, I have customized sales module. You can directly use the below sales module in your addons and run in Odoo server. from openerp.osv import fields, osv fr...

Constructor and Object in JavaScript with example

Constructor, classes, and object are the foundation of OOPS language. In javascript, we also use constructor, classes, and object. I will explain this by using a simple example but before starting this we should know what is constructor, classes,...

How to scroll TableView to a specific position

  Hi Reader’s,   This blog includes the concept to scroll tableview cell automatically towards the top according to the condition provided and create index path according to the row and section. Here we will learn how t...

How to get list of all orders of the logged in user?

Sometimes in magento we are required to get list of orders of the current logged users.  To do so lets see how we can do it:   first of all we need to get the logged in user id from the session for the same write the ...

Frames in HTML

We use Frames to divide the window into multiple sections where each section contains its own individual information. The main disadvantage with frames is that some smaller devices cannot cope with frames as their screens are not big enough to...

drop down menu with nested submenus using css

If u want to create a horizontal menu with a submenu, code below is help you. In below first, we will remove padding and margin from first level and second level menu. We will style up first level list item and here we will use fl...

Introduction to Object-Oriented JavaScript and namespaces in javascript

There are n number of OOPS functionality available in Javascript. Some of the basic OOPS terminologies are namespaces, classes, object, constructor, method and much more. Now I will explain one by one with syntax and definition of these terms. ...

How to make payment and inherits account invoice object in OpenERP(Odoo-8)

In Odoo first we create existing own module and inherits the account invoice object in your own module. Than fetch all object like as a account.move , account.journal, account.period in your own module and update the account.journal and also invo...

How to write python script for credit card payment in OpenERP(Odoo)?

Step-1 Install partner_res module. Step-2 After that, install partner_res module. In below example, I have customised partner_report module. You can directly use the below partner_res module in your addons and run in Odoo server. impor...

Difference between Document ready vs Window load

When a person starts programming or executing a function on page load, a common question occurs at that time, that which method we follow to execute the code on page load. It is quite necessary that programmer needs to integrate some extra act...

How to make base report design in OpenERP(Odoo)?

Step-1 Install base report module. Step-2 After that customize base report module. In below example, I have customised base report module. You can directly use the below base report module in your addons and run in Odoo server. d...

OpenERP-8:Use amount booked in the company currency on basis of the conversion into the voucher currency

Step-1 Install the account_voucher module and base module is also. Step-2 After that customize account_voucher module and sales module: In below example, I have customized account_voucher module. You can directly use the below account_vouch...

Use of array_reverse() function in PHP

Hi Reader's,  Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss use of array_reverse() function in PHP. This function is used  to reset the index of elements and returns the reversed array.array_reverse() function accepts array...

How to generate the barcode for product in OpenERP-7?

If you want to generate the barcode for product in openERP .Then you will need the following kind of python code declaration in your .py file and run in Odoo server. from openerp.osv import fields, orm from import _...

Migrate the code from odoo7 to odoo 8 or 9 to include parent level class in OpenERP-7

When we migrate the code from odoo7 to odoo 8 or 9 then we change only few import classes and some specifics field, rest will remain same, this will helps to migrate code successfully.   In below example I have written Python script to...

How to load categories with their subcategories product count?

In Magento if we are required to load the Categories with their product count, Then to do so, let see how:   First of all load the current root category for say we have default category with id: 2. To load the root category we can wr...

KeyboardWillShow and KeyboardWillHide

When we click on TextField  keyboard lifts up but if our text field is at bottom then we are not able to see it so with the help of NSNotificationCenter we can solve this issue. Add one TextField in ViewController, give bottom constraint ...
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