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ASP.NET MVC Filters   ASP.NET MVC provide filters to execute code logic before and after controller action execution. Pre-action and post-action behaviour are added to controller action method by filters. Custom filters creation depend...

7 Tips on Staying Lean Throughout the Startup Phase

  When you first get that venture capital firm to sign on, you’re on cloud nine. Then, just as quickly, reality sets in. You have money—but how do you use it? How do you allocate the capital you have to create a successful...

7 Social Media Tools for Content Marketing Development

  Content marketing is an online promotion strategy that's extremely popular in today's online business. Marketers choose this approach because of its amazing benefits. With content marketing, you're basically marketing yo...

Remote Validation in ASP.NET MVC

Remote Validation in ASP.NET MVC   The process of validating specific data field by posting it to server without posting the entire form is remote validation. For e.g : There is a unique field in the database table,it's uniquene...

Difference between LINQ and Stored procedure

 LINQ and Stored procedure   LINQ provides a query syntax used for querying different data sources like SQL server, Oracle, Collections etc. Type checking is done at compile time in LINQ. DOT NET framework languages like C# a...

Deferred vs Immediate Query Execution in LINQ

Deferred vs Immediate Query Execution in LINQ   There are two execution behaviours in LINQ namely Deferred and Immediate.   Deferred Execution : In this type query execution does not take place at time of declaration ra...

Create a Radar view in android

Hello All, Looking to create a view like radar in android. Step 1:- Find the java file along this blog and add it to your project. Step 2: In your xml use this class to create view. <com.example.RadarView android:id="@+i...

Access all links simultaneously and checks whether links are working or not present within the Web page

Dear user, In the last blog, I wrote about how to access links using exact match and partial match in a web page through selenium web driver. Now in this blog, I will guide you about how to access all links present with-in the page are work...

Understanding Single, SingleOrDefault, First and FirstOrDefault

There are element operators provided by LINQ which are capable of returning single or specific element from a collection. These element operators can be defined as follows :-   Single : This element operator is capable of returning ...

Token Based Authentication using Postman as Client and Web API 2 as Server

When we are going to develop a web application which contains restricted resources then we have major issue related to authentication and authorization for accessing those restricted resources.  We all know the concept of cookie based authen...

Entrepreneurship: 07 Battle / Survival Lessons Every Business Startup Needs

A former Microsoft CTO and a co-founder of an intellectual property licensing firm Nathan Myhrvold has once said: ‘Business is war! Its leaders are strategic commanders, who boldly snatch victory from the jaws of defeat - and who perform...

How to create Contextual action mode over toolbar using recycler view in android?

While creating list on a recycler view we need more functionality like delete, copy and more. Like our popular apps what's app, gmail and hike we found toolbar in action mode if we long press list items on that, same UI with functionality we ...

How to access Links and tables using partial match in selenium web driver

Dear user, In the last blog, I had explained, how we can access link using exact match, and now in this blog, I will guide you about how to access link using partial match in selenium web driver.   Partial Match: We access links ...

jQuery CDN

CDN is Content Delivery Network which is fundamentally an extensive conveyed arrangement of servers which sent in various server centers over the web. It helps in reducing load time of a page by offering documents at a higher data trans...

SQL Injection Attacks

SQL Injection Attacks   The sensitive information in database of an organization can be stolen through sql injection attack by hackers. These attacks are often referred to as front end attack which takes place due to inapprop...

Deadlock in C# Threading

A deadlock is state in which an application locks up because of the multiple processes are waiting for each other to finish. Basically, this situation takes place in multithreading software in which a shared resource is used by first thread and s...

How to open hyperlink text in webview/browser in a android app

Suppose in out text/paragraph of textview, some words are clickable or hyperlinked. In case you have a task to open those hyperlinked text in a webview of any browser you have to use SpannableStringBuilder. Below code with details will help you t...

$mdToast in angular material

In angular material,If you want to display any unobtrusive alert on your GUI part to the users,then it provides Toast for designers. Toast is a term which is used to show alert in angular material and we use $mdToast service to display these toas...

Count Steps in Android

We can count steps in Android by using two sensors i.e. TYPE_STEP_COUNTER and TYPE_STEP_DETECTOR. These two sensors were introduced in API level 19. TYPE_STEP_COUNTER:- This sensor returns number of steps taken by the user since l...

Customise Progress Bar

To make the layout interactive and to look good, we need to modify the default of certain widgets. Here is the simple customisation of the progress bar:- Step 1:- Create a drawable xml say customised_progress.xml <?xml version="1.0" e...

Gridview Inside the GridView as its item

There are certain conditions when you need to use nested gridview or gridview as an item of parent gridview.   Step 1:- Create an xml file. A) xml that contain the parent_gridview_item.xml <GridView android:id="@+i...

justify text in android using webview

Android does not support justification of text,but we can achieve this using loading the text in WebView. String youtContentStr = String.valueOf(Html .fromHtml("<![CDATA[<body style=\"text-align:justify;color:#222222; \">" ...

Bootstrap Sticky Header & Sticky Footer

In some of our site pages, we need to make the Header and Footer constantly visible and settled to top and bottom of the screen individually. In today blog, I will demonstrate how we can implement the sticky or fixed header and footer utilizing j...

Tuple in c#

Tuple is new feature added in C# 4.0 with dynamic programming. Tuple allow us to group a heterogeneous elements together. Tuple is new for the C# developers as it is already present in other languages like Python and F#.   Generally, I...

What is the difference between ViewResult and ActionResult in ASP.NET MVC?

ViewResult and ActionResult in ASP.NET MVC   ActionResult is an abstract or base class. On the other hand ViewResult is a subclass of ActionResult.   Whenever Controller action return type is ActionResult then the action is ...

How to access Links and tables in selenium web driver

Dear User, In the last blogs I had explained about Regular expressions, now In this blog, I will explain you about how we can access links and tables using selenium web driver. We can access links an exact match or partial according to test...

Android Pie chart example using MpAndroidChart Library

Step1: Adding MpAndroidChart android library into project dependencies { compile 'com.github.PhilJay:MPAndroidChart:v2.1.6' } repositories { maven { url "" } } Step2: Pie Chart layout in your xml...

HashSet<> in C#

In c#, HashSet is a disjoint group of an unique elements. We can a apply a multiple operation on HashSet such as Add, Remove, Contains etc. HashSet is also  allow to apply a standard set of operations such as union, intersection, and symmetr...

Bootstrap ScrollSpy

The Scrollspy is a plugin which is used to highlight the links in a navigation according to the scroll position automatically. It indicates the location of the visitor/user in the page. The Bootstrap scrollspy plugin needs the use of proper ...

Difference between ng-show/ng-hide and ng-if

ng-show/ng-hide and ng-if are directives of angularjs which are used to check if an expression is true or false and after checking the expression, it shows /hides or removes/recreates the DOM element. Though the visual effect of both directive...

5 Step Strategy How to Make Your Branding Successful

  Coca-Cola, Pampers, Louis Vuitton, Mercedes: what do they all have in common? They are brands and they are so successful! They are easily recognized, remembered and even revered by consumers. Sure marketing had a lot to do with it. ...

Solution for Race Conditions in Threading C#

In c# we have a multiple ways to avoid a race condition determined by the type of an application we are used. Generally we use a following two common methods that works in any condition: 1. Wait Handles 2. Signaling Example: Let's tak...

How to create a 3D logo on illustrator

These are the following steps to make a 3D logo.   Step 1: Once the new document and set the width and height of the art board.   Step 2 : Goto the ellipse tool and make the circle filled with radial gradient ( Gre...

Discussion on Database Access and Object-relational mapping(ORM) in cakephp 3

Hi Readers, Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to Discussion on Database Access and ORM in CakePHP 3. The new version of CakePHP comes with lots of new features and changes in it. To access the database in CakePHP 3 there are two main...

How to store user information in NSUserDefaults in swift language?

Hi Reader’s, This blog includes the concept of how to store user information in NSUserDefaults in swift language. Below is the code in swift language for the same:-   import UIKit import Foundation class RegisterViewCont...

Generate Simple PDF using iText

Generate Simple PDF using iText: Some time we need to generate documents using our application. The document could be like pdf, word, excel etc. To generate these documents we need to take help of third party api. In this article we talk about...

Indexes In Sql

Index in SQL can be thought of as index of a book. Suppose, We have a book of 50 pages and we don't have indexes. Now if we have to navigate to a random topic then we have to start with first page and then second and so on, No problem here we...

Race Conditions in Threading C#

Race condition is arise when multiple threads are accessing the shared data and they try to modify this shared data at the same time. The reason for arising a race condition is that we are unable to know the order of accessing a shared data among...

How to create a logo designing on illustrator

In this tutorial we have to learn that logo designing on illustrator. Step 1: First we need to create the structure of a logo. So goto the pen tool and create a shape on the art board. see the below image to make a shape.   &nbs...

Bootstrap Media Objects

The media object is a theoretical component and easy way to align media objects utilized as the reason for building more complex and repetitive components(like blog comments, Tweets, and so forth).  There are two structures to t...

Facebook tests Express Wifi in India, Gears up for Launch

Image Courtesy:   Facebook is presently testing the “Express Wi-Fi” that will enable users to procure low-cost data plans from the local ISPs (Internet Service Providers) to gain access to fast and qu...

Simple shopping cart using cakephp

In this blog we will learn to create a simple shopping cart application using cakephp. This application is very basic and simple you can download the zip file attached at the end of the blog and customize it as per your requirements. In this exam...

Expressions in AngularJS

AngularJS expressions are used to bind application data with HTML element. This expressions works in same way as we write in write in ng-bind directives. Expressions are written inside two curly braces as {{expression}}. This expressions are incl...

Semaphore - Thread Synchronization

Thread synchronization is used to verify that no two or more  synchronous processes or threads simultaneously executes some particular program block. When one thread executes in the critical section then it does not allow the another thread ...

How to use Freelancers to Strengthen Your Business

  Some businesses have a nature that they can attain maximum benefit through freelancers with their services. A lot of experts from all the fields are now working as Freelancers, working as a freelancer does not bound you to work for ...

How to Creatively Promote Your Blog Content to Boost Business

  Every business big or small should have a blog. The problem is there are so many blogs out there that it is sometimes hard to get your blog off the ground and get people reading it.   So how do you get people reading your...

WhatsApp Video Calling: All you Need to Know

         Image Source:   Today more than 1 billion people are actively using WhatsApp to stay in touch with family, friends or anybody they care about. The product is ea...

Cursor in SQL Server

A cursor is a database object that can be created at runtime. It is used to get data  from a result set line by line(or row by row) rather than executing  all the rows in the result set at a single time like an SQL-transaction. Generall...

SQL Server : How to find a stored procedure containing specific text

Many times during SQL server development we need to search for a stored procedure containing a specific text. This helps in checking for dependencies for objects in stored procedures or sometimes we might be simply interested in searching for a h...

Scroll Fixed Header in jQuery

In this article, you will learn how to fix the header all the time while scrolling your website page. There are different jQuery plugin available for this purpose but we will use a simple jQuery based solution to make a header fixed on the top of...
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