How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
by kristina.rigina -
Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
by manoj.rawat -
Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
by sudhanshu.tripathi -
Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi
How different is creating a simple module in Openerp 7.0?
Creating a module in OpenErp 7.0 is quite different from how it has been in 6.1. Already discussed earlier to create a module in version 6.1, its time to throw some light on a basic module created in OpenErp 7.0.
To start with the basic struct...
Factors To Consider For Automation Project
We should consider the following factors before starting the Automation Project:
1.Stability of the application under test
If the application is not stable , it may lead to failure of many scripts during execution even though if the scripts...
How to import/export data using CSV in PostgreSQL
To export a table data from Postgres database to a CSV file, use the "COPY to" command. You can create a CSV file using MS-Excel or directly create a file from the command.
Syntax: COPY (SELECT * FROM table_name) to E'C:\Users\main\Documents\...
Skipping Shipping Methods in Magento Checkout
For Remove Shipping Methods you need to change its function
This code is working for me in but you can try this for older version also
A) Open Mage/checkout/controllers/Onepagecontroller.php
In this File Go to on function saveBil...
Make your Content Editable:
Make your Content Editable:
Contenteditable is nice feature added in HTML5. As the name clarify, it allows the user to edit any of the text contained within the element, including its children. There are a variety of uses for something like th...
Difference between QA & QC
Quality Assurance:
Here the testing team define the procedures, processes, policies, standards and the checklist in the document which is going to be follow during the entire project life cycle,It is also referred as 'Verification'.
Programatically create products in Magento
public function saveproductAction()
$categoryId = $_REQUEST['catId'];
$productName = $_REQUEST['ProductName'];
$productDesc = $_REQUEST['productDesc'];
$productPrice = $_REQUEST['productPrice'];
Preventing child element from firing on click of Parent element
Suppose, we have this html where div element have 2 child p elements and 1 child anchor element.
<p> I am para one</p>
<p> I am para two</p>
<a href="http:nowheretogo.com">I am a link<...
Beginners guide to SEO- Internal and External Linking
Links are like network bridges carrying you from one web page to the other. They can either be withing the same site or take you to a new website all together. Good link building is one of the parameters for all search engine ranking algorithms t...
Resolving File System issue on Linux
In Linux if your filesystem gets corrupted there is a command that can be used to fix the issue.
To fix the file system related issues type command
on system's recovery console. This would fix the errors on your file system to get...
Joomla Release 3.2
New features in Joomla 3.2.
As I am working with few technologies and Joomla is one of them, I thought let me update you with information regarding the new release in of Joomla 3.2.
Joomla team has recently released a new version of Jooml...
Kohana issue on GoDaddy Shared Hosting
Recently while working for a project I faced an issue while making the site live.
The site was developed with kohana framework and was to be hosted on Godaddy Server (Shared Hosting) and I faced a peculiar issue on the server giving me an erro...
Delete Test Sales/Order data from Magento
To **delete the test sales/Order data from magento** run the below queries in your magento database --
TRUNCATE `sales_flat_c...
Subtract date in JS
Subtract date in javascript : -
var current = new Date();
//It will give the current date and time in default format.
var future_date = new Date(now .setHours(now .getHours()+48));
//in this we add 48 hours in present time .
Singleton Class in flex
In object-oriented programming , a singleton class is a class that can have only one object (an instance of the class) at a time.
It's good when you only want one object across the whole of your application
It is usually used...
How To Change Input Type File Title In HTML
We are change the input type file title with the help of this script
Like Browse Title Change in to Choice File
use this script for change Title
function browseclick(){
var fileinput = document.getElementById("browse"); // use in...
Things to Take Care of While Accepting New Test Build
Here I will explain what things need to verify while accepting new test build from the developer side.
Build Version#: Every build has a unique no. to differentiate from other builds and tester gives test result against that build no.
How to Create and Consume wcf service in visual studio 2010 C#.net
Steps to Create a WCF service in Visual Studio 2010
1.To create a new WCF service application project, go to File->New->Project. Then select WCF under Visual C# installed templates and then select wcf service application.
2.In the sol...
Adding and Removing Select Options
A drop-down box for colors and want to add new colors to it, as well as remove options from it.
<label for="colors">Colors</label>
<select id="colors" multiple="multiple">
Remove Data from doucument Directory ios
Hello friends,
I was using to document directory to save images and video and after saving a lot my app use to crash due to memory warnings.
So there is a way to delete content of document directory.
Using ViewPager for Screen Slides in Android
ViewPagers have built-in swipe gestures to transition through pages
You don't need to add any animation.
sample code :
Set your main Activity layout as:
in mainactivity Layout xml file set relative layout,in it set the view p...
Instantiating Prefabs at runtime
From my previous blog,we all know that what prefabs are. Now,I want to explain how we instantiate prefabs and what are its advantages.
public class preafabDemo : MonoBehaviour
var ball:GameObject;
// Use this for ini...
Importing Fonts to XCode
iPhone provides number of fonts for developing the app but not all.
Sometimes we need to go beyond the fonts provided by iOS sdk.
Following steps will do the needful
1) Add desired font to project (It must be .tff or .otf);
2) Go to info....
Grid (lines) over image
So, this thing took lot of my time. I hope it will save yours.
Here, we need a parent div and a child div. Parent div will have the image in background, I am using inline style so that one can use it in as many pages as he/she wants.
Date Picker embeded in UIActionsheet with toolbar
Sometimes a user is required to input a date in the application for example to provide the date of birth. The programmer have to make sure that the date entered by the user is in correct format that can be used by the app or the server. If a nump...
Create audio file manually
We often come across conditions where manual audio file is to be created.
For example recording an audio or download audio data from server. These all need audio file in which data is to be populated.
Below, I'm creating an sound.caf file and...
JMeter Parameterization by using CSV Data set Config
Parametrization can be implemented in different ways using the following elements:
a)Using CSV Data Set Configuration:
Steps: Thread Group > ADD > Config Elements > CSV data set Config
b.)Using User Parameters:
Steps: Thread Group &...
How To Connect With SQL Server DB .
Below is the C sharp code to connect with the sql data base in .net
toString() in java
toString() method is very useful and frequently used by java developer. What is toString()
As per java doc: 'toString() method returns the string representation of the object.'
toString() method belongs to Object class, So each and every o...
Create Carnival Girl Face Illustration in Easy Steps
I am not the master in creating perfect Illustrations using Brush or Pen Tool but still I am trying to made this tutorial to help the less experienced or beginners.
In this tutorial I will draw this pretty girl ;-) wearing a carnival mask.
How To use dataBase in Your android App
Use DataBase Helper Class in your code, Which extends the base class SQLiteOpenHelper Class
Sample code
package com.searchoffers.android;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import android.content.ContentValues;
Adding data to jqxtree dynimacally on click of nodes of a tree using AJAX call
There might be a case where user wants to add data to jqxtree on click of each individual node. Below is the code which help us to achieve the above
functionality where user can get data from JSON file or database on click of each individual tre...
Hide div by slide effect and show another div
This code is used to hide div by slding effect towards right to left and show another div by the same sliding effect on its place .
<script src="js/jquery.min.js" language="javascript" type='text/javascript'></script>
Beginners guide to Search Engine Optimization-Quality of content
This is the second important factor from the series in Beginners guide to SEO. As discussed before proper keyword research and tagging are important aspects of Search engine optimization, but the importance of Quality content cannot be undermined...
Player Settings for Android in Unity3D
When we build our project to see how it looks, we need to set the Player Settings-
Today I'll describe you the Player Settings for Android
After building the project in Android
Go To Edit->Project Settings-> Player
Following Playe...
Disabling All Effects
Your user or web application may require that all animations are disabled, but the effect of revealing information or scrolling (or whichever animation type) may still be required. jQuery has a way to disable all animations from one access point...
How to show a div or a label on Click or MouseOver of a link in gridview.
How to toggle the visibility a div or a label on Click/MouseOver of a link in gridview.
This demonstration is very useful to make a pop up like window opens on click/Mouse Over on every link in a row in a grid view. To begin this lets start w...
IPhone alert view
To show alert view in IPhone, the following snippet will help you.
UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc]initWithTitle:@"Message" message:@"Network error. Try again?" delegate:self cancelButtonTitle:@"NO" otherButtonTitles:@"YES", nil];
Track in HTML 5
The track element allows specifying explicit external timed text tracks for media elements. It does not represent anything on its own. Its provide a simple standardized way to add subtitles, captions, screen descriptions and chapters to video and...
Often it is required to integrate the iPhone's camera in the app to take pictures and photos to be used by the app. This is made possible by UIImagePickerController.
The UIImagePickerController gives the programmer the capability to integrate ...
Formatting jQuery date picker
Sometime you may need to use the jQuery calender in some project. you writes the following code:
jQuery( ".in_time" ).datepicker();
and it gives you:
1- if you need to show all the dates which are previous to the current date:
If ...
Checking the date entered is according to a predefined format or not ?
Checking the date entered by the user correct of not as according to a predefined format or not.
Example 1)
$format = 'd-m-Y';
$input = 'asasasawasa-sldjs';
$date = DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $input);
echo '...
Declaring variables in jquery / javascript (for ie8)
Sometime we need to perform some operations in variables values in jquery or javascript.
We generally uses:
a = jQuery('input#marks').val();
It will be working fine in all the browsers except ie8.
This type of assignment doesn't works i...
How to create profile url in cakephp?
Hello readers !
Few days back I was facing issue to make public profile page in cakephp. And want to hide controller and action name from url for this I used the below code in routes.php and its work fine.
Paint app with undo functionality
One way to add undo functionality to a paint app is by storing state of the view and taking the view back to previous state on undoing. We can store state in arrays. And the state here will be all the lines being drawn and properties of the lines...
Html normally problem
Hello readers !
In this blog i show how can we solve html problems usually we face that are :-
1) How to align center a absolute position div :
Its a normally problem which we face always we can solve it using this attribute of css
Write text on video
Here is the function that tells how to write text on any sample video:-
function videoConversion($videoId, $batchId){
$font_path = "/var/www/html/james/LeagueGothic-Regular.otf";//path of the fonts
$ffmpeg_path = "/...
Update/Syncing the fork with master
Here is a good link to sync the fork with master
NOTE :This link will not update your repository on GitHub.
To update the repository you need to run
git push origin
To make the absolute position of block in center with respect to parent block using css only.
If you want to make the absolute position of the block in center from all the sides with respect to parent block using css only.
.base{ width:900px; height:500px; position:relative;background:#dddddd}
Solution of flickering issue in phonegap
Flickering issue come at the time of page transition due to jQuery mobile zoom function, which can be remove by deleting these two lines from jquery mobile:
meta.attr( "content", disabledZoom );
meta.attr( "content", enabledZoom );
I hop...