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Handling audio files in iOS 7

The general idea for playing an audio file in iOS 6 was to create an object of AVAudioPlayer and pass the file path to it as follows: NSURL *fileURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:audioFilePath]; player = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithCont...

How to create flexigrid in MVC3

Flexigrid is a free Lightweight data grid with resizable columns and scrollable data. We can create flexigrids by using javascript or jquery.We can apply sorting,searching and paging in these grid.Flexigrids accepts two types data sources xml or ...

Applying if condition on some specific index of select box

If we want to apply condition on changing of specific indexed value of select box we simply do this: $('#select_id').change(function(){ if(((parseInt($('option:selected',$(this)).val()))==2)||((parseInt($('option:selected',$(this)).val...

What is the Document Management Systems?

What is the Document Management System ?: Ans: Document management system is a process concerning the creation, distribution and deletion of documents within an organisation. Synonyms: Document management System has been named...

Delete a row from list on a click of a button

If you want to delete a particular list (li) from the listing, you can easily do this with the following code. $('#demo ul li[rel="'+id2+'"]').remove(); <div is="demo "> <ul> <li rel="id1">This is just a demo....

Difference between Decimal,Float,Double in terms of exact calculation

Difference between float,double and decimal in terms of exact calculation(Tested in mysql) I was creating an application where I need exact values from mysql procedure so I have to find better data type which gives me exact value so I tested i...

Get a rotated image

A very good stuff that allows you to get rotated image. Sometimes we rotate the UIImageView, it appears like image is rotated but in actual it's the UIImageView which is being rotated. If we try to fetch the image from rotated UIImageView it will...

Delete duplicate row in table

You can delete the duplicate row without using the temporary table. You can use the self join concept. Suppose we have person table contain 3 columns named id, name, and city. INSERT INTO person(id,name,city) VALUES (1,'a', 'aa'), (2,'b','b...

Customized back button

The default back button in the navigation bar that pops the current view and takes the screen to the previous ViewController, can be easily customized and made to look fancy, trendy and in relation with the rest of the theme of the app. This i...

Restricting the textbox to enter number only using thier ASCII codes

We can disable the keys to enter inside the textbox. For example if we have a textbox for entering user's age then a user only need to enter numbers (The age will only be in number format ie 12,18 and so on) We can use the following javascript...

How to pass Parameters and Stored Procedure using Linq

How to pass Parameters and Stored Procedure using Linq ExecuteFunction executes stored procedure with specified parameters.This function accepts 2 parameters i.e stored procedure name and parameter list. public List<GetCustomerSearchResu...

How to make a paint/drawing app in iphone

With the help of Core Graphics Framework and touch methods of UIResponder we can easily draw on iphone screen. There are two ways to do this : Either create a UIView subclass and draw directly on it, or use imageview from the View controller....

How to play,pause and stop sound using as3.

To play,stop and pause sound using as3 we have to use following: : Sound class is used to handle the loading and playing a sound. SoundChannel object is used to handle the playback like play,pause ...

Restricting data in Oracle

This blog will help you to restrict data from a database. You can restrict the rows returned from the query by using the WHERE clause. A WHERE clause contains a condition that must be met, and it directly follows the FROM clause. If the condi...

Game design: Working with silhouette (article 2)

Game design: Working with silhouette: As I have provided the basic information regarding the silhouette principle using on the concept character for game art, lets resume the topic further and see it through details. While developing the ba...

How to open a .pdf file in a new window in C#

Opening a .pdf file in new window On the First page write the following code:- string Url = "Wite the url of the page to be opened"; ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "", "'" + Url + "');", true); On the s...

Difference between Integration and system testing?

Most of the user gets confused to differentiate between Integration and System testing. The basic difference as per my understanding is as follows: Integration Testing: To validate whether applications integrated modules or integration with th...

How to create Cool 3d Text in Photoshop

Photoshop has evolved a lot than it used to be in early phase, now Features like Content aware, 3d and Puppet tool have boosted its awesomeness. 3d is one of the feature that i love to use in photoshop CS6. as its Handy and can give you amazing...

Best way to Concatenate Strings in java

Optimized techniques for Concatenating Strings in java. We can concatenate multiple strings using either + operator or String.concat() or StringBuffer.append(). Which is the best one interms of performance? The choice depends on two scen...

2D Games with Unity3D

2D Games with Unity3D Gaming is becoming more powerful and popular in these days. As we know Unity is basically used for 3D games but it also provides the feature to build the 2D games. Orthello is the most common and powerful tool for the...

How to Split Datatable into multiple Datatables

Split Datatable into multiple Datatables private List<DataTable> CloneCustomerDataTable(DataTable dtClone, int numberOfRecords) { List<DataTable> dttables = new List<DataTable>(); int count = 0; ...

Loading 3d Model with Away3d

When working with Away3D youll eventually need to load a complex model. The code for loading a 3D model into Away3D is fairly easy. It is almost as simple as loading a plane, cube, or cone. this code is about loading a 3d stadium. 1.Load ...

Call ajax function on autocomplete in jquery

<h2>//Call ajax function on autocomplete in jquery</h2> $(document).ready(function(){ jQuery("#name").autocomplete({ source: function(request, response) { $.ajax({ url: 'include/get.php',...

String with different colors in iPhone

Using addAttribute method we can add different colors to a string for certain range of characters in that string. Label.text = @"Ashish"; NSMutableAttributedString *text = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithAttributedString: Label...

How to use Gallery for scrolling images with page indicator in android

First of all you need to use a custom class in place of Gallery :- package com.pakagename; import android.content.Context; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.wid...

Importance Of Color In Web Designing

Color is undoubtedly the essential means to touch the emotions of website visitors. It is a non-verbal communication and creates a physical and emotional reaction of the viewers. Colors are able to set the right tone and carry a necessary message...

Get group id and check membership from node id in Drupal 6

We can get group information and also can check membership in that group from current logged in user, using following code: $gidarray = array_keys($node->og_groups); $gid = $gidarray[0]; global $user; if(og_is_group_member($gid, true, $u...

Table layout structure while generating html to pdf using html2pdf library

After dealing with html2pdf library,I found that if we are trying to generate html to PDFs for more than one page never use nested table layout order to avoid this error "The content of a TD tag does not fit on only one page "..Inst...

Difference between array_slice() and array_splice()

**array_slice() Vs array_splice()** What arrayslice() function do: As name suggest this function just return part/slice of array which we pass to arrayslice() function as parameter 1 depending u...

Tally ERP9

Tally ERP9 Tally is an accounting software which was start in 1988. In 1988 our Accounting works done by manually. All type of manual books like cash book, Ledger, Trail balance, Inventory Register, Sale Register, Purchase Register and Balan...

Login either Username or Email using Authentication Plugin in Joomla

With the help of this Plugin user can login either with email or username . This plugin is compatible with Joomla 1.5, Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.1 . How to install Login to Joomla Administrator. Install with Joomla installer Proceed to y...

Using Timer in WPF

This is the demonstration of how to use a dispatch timer in WPF using C#. private DispatcherTimer timer; // Declaring instance of DispatcherTimer class public Window1() { InitializeComponent(); Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(Window...

Creating Folder Structure Inside already existing folders,Through Bat file

Creating Folder Structure Inside already existing folders..Through Bat file Hey guys...!! Today i am gonna show you "how to make folders or folder structure inside already existing folders so what i have done is, I created a folder named as ...

When talent meets Technology

Every person born on this earth have some talent, when this talent meets technology, a different kind of creativity is born. In 21st century, when we are surrounded by tech-freaks, it is time to explore something that has no boundary of caste, re...

Log4j setting in Maven project

As per maven project structure, there is a resource folder where all application related properties will be added. Implementation of log4j in MAVEN application, Create file inside resource folder and paste below code lines: ...

Managing State by Using Cross-Page Posting

Managing State by Using Cross-Page Posting By default, a Button control on a Web page submits the page back to itself. However, sometimes, you may want to post one page to another. In such a case, you can set the PostBackUrl property of the Bu...

Whats new in Adobe Photoshop CS6

Whats new in Adobe Photoshop CS6 Type Paragraph and character styles In the Window > Paragraph styles panel, create, store, and reapply the characteristics of groups of highlighted sentences. within the Window > Character styles panel,...

Filling Values in a html table dynamically

How to enter values in html table dynamically Filling Values in a html table dynamically //Below is the program to create a table structure dynamically. //Input is taken from the User in 'Radius' TextBox and Unit is selected from 'Sel...

What is Responsive Web Design ?

What is Responsive Web Design ? Website designs that fits on different screen size such as desktop, laptop and on all other mobile screens. For designers responsive website is not just media queries. As a designer if you consider creating a...

how to set a custom message using form_alter in Drupal

At times we need to change the message that is displayed after a node is saved.Follwing code helps to customize using form_alter. function mymodule_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) { if($form['form_id']['#value'] =='fo...

PHP array to JavaScript array conversion

Sometimes, I feel a need to get a PHP array in my JavaScript code. Earlier I make use of implode function of php but recently found new way using json_encode that works very effectively. Here is my php array: <?php $cool_epl_clubs_php =...

Find out a particular column throughout the database in Postgresql

Previously got a situation where I needed to get the list of all the tables where a particular column lets say partner_id exists, might be useful for you too. Just run the following query in PostgreSQL: SELECT * FROM information_schema.col...

Import data from another database using CSV in OpenErp

The easiest and possibly the best idea of importing data from another database to a new database is the CSV export. OpenErp gives you this feature in the versions 6.1 and 7.0. Following is the example on how you can export customers to a csv ...

MVC, why and what? An analogy

In medieval period of programming, when I use to read what Yashavant Kanetkar wrote about C language, I wonder if this high-level programming language pattern can be bettered. It gives me so much freedom to write code and I really-really liked th...

Renaming Multiple files through DOS commands

"Renaming Multiple files through DOS commands" Hey guys..!! Today i am going to show you "How to rename Multiple files with the help of DOS and Ms Excel" After reading this blog you will be aware about some cool formulas of MS Excel as well ...

Prevent duplicate partner entries in OpenErp

It is an obvious situation for any company to prevent the creation of duplicate partners with same name, and same case. To stop this we can do the following steps: First merge all the duplicate entries on one partner. Delete the other partn...

HTML Forms - Submit and Reset Button

<html> <head><title>myForm</title><head> <body> <form action = "" method="Post"> First Name: <input type = "text" name = "firstname" /> Last Name: <input type = "text" name = "...

Sending xml data in post using curl

$xmldata =' <mail> <receive>you</receive> <sender>Surit</sender> <subject>Call me</subject> <message>XYZ</message> </mail> '; $url = "your url"; $curlConn = curl_init($url)...

compact() or set() in cakephp

set() is the way to set values in your controller and get those values in your view file. Syntax of set is-> $this->set('variable','value') In cake-php controller you can set the values as - set('variable1','value1'); $this->...

Print query in magento

/----------Get products collection --------------/ <p>$allproducts = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')-&gt;getCollection()-&gt;addAttributeToSort('name', 'ASC');;</p> It will return you total products, sorted by name i...
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